Loading Standard DWI 1.File/Open Standard/Double click on “..”/Go To Altas directory/Go to JHU directory 2.Load JHU-ICMB-T2 1mm Image from Atlase directory 3.Add FA MRI 4.Add Atlas from Tool 5.Identify White matter Tracks 6.Load White matter Label 7.Go to structures and find coordinate for each white matter tracks
Loading Standard DWI 4.File/Add/FA MRI 5.Identify FA Value in different Areas
Loading Standard DWI 5.Tool/Click on Atlas to add Atlas 6.Identify White matter Tracks in atlas window by click at any point on image window
Loading Standard DWI 7.File/Open/From Atlas directory/open White matter Label 8.Click on structures in Atlas Window and report coordinate for each white matter tracks
Loading Subject DWI/DTI 1.Close All Data from previous step 2.File/Open/Go to SubjDTI directory/dti_S0.nii.gz
Loading Subject DWI/DTI 3.File/Add/dti_FA.nii.gz 4.Threshold FA Map using minimum functionality and find FA value in different regions
Loading Standard DWI 5.Remove all data except S0 and FA 6.Now Add V1 7.Click on “I” 8.DTI display options: None to RGB
Loading Standard DWI 9.DTI display options: Modulation to FA
Loading Standard DWI 10.DTI display options: RGB to Lines 11.Click on Zoom 12.Select Rectangle