2. Talking about the future A fortune-teller-- a person who tells you what will happen to you in the future after looking at something such as glass ball, or the lines on your hand.
Vocabulary items Marry a kind man make a lot of money become a film star travel around the world become famous have a lot of children
What do you hope to do in the future? Judy hopes to become a film star Paul hopes to make a lot of money Jimmy hopes to marry a kind man. Bill hopes to travel around the world Kitty hopes to have a lot of children Grace hopes to become famous
Occupations a doctor a dentist a nurse a driver a teacher a pop star an artist a scientist a factory worker a singer a reporter a fireman a policeman a lawyer a clerk an actor a postman a salesman a fisherman a baker a butcher a librarian a cleaner a hawker
The Future of Harry and Sally Harry Harry, when you grow up, you’ll be a lawyer. You’ll live in a big house. You’ll have a lot of pets. You’ll marry a pop star. Sally Sally, when you grow up, you’ll be an engineer. You’ll live in a big flat. You’ll marry a kind man. You’ll have a lot of children.
The future of Snoopy Snoopy, when you grow up, you’ll be a doctor. You’ll live in a big house. You’ll have a lot of friends. / You’ll travel around the world. You’ll be healthy and strong.
Summary You hope to travel around the world/ marry a kind man/ make a lot of money/ become a film star/ become famous/ have a lot of children You’ll be a lawyer/ an engineer. You’ll live in a big house/ live in a big flat. You’ll have a lot of pets/ have a lot of children.
Homework: Do Welcome to English Book 5 P.9
The diaries of Paul and Pam for the next year. Paul JAN FEB: Start a new job APR: Travel to Beijing MAY Go on holiday JUN JUL SEP: Buy a flat NOV: Marry Pam Pam JAN: Act in a new film FEB APR MAY: Go on holiday JUN: Buy a new car JUL: Travel to America SEP: Buy a flat Nov: Marry Paul
Answer the questions about Paul and Pam 2. Where will Paul travel in April? He’ll travel to Beijing. 3. Who will Paul marry in November? He’ll marry Pam in November. 4. When will Paul go on holiday? He’ll go on holiday in May. 3. What will Pam do in January? She’ll act in a new film. 4. Where will Pam travel in July? She’ll travel to America in July.
What will you do in the future? In 2001: You will be a primary six student but will you get good marks in the coming examinations? Will you be healthy? Will you have any good changes?
Think! After five years: _____________________________ After ten years: _____________________________ After fifteen years: _____________________________