“Everything is sweetened by risk.” Alexander Smith (1830–1867)
Course Resource Personnel Course Instructor s J. Richard Arthur FAO International Consultant, Barriere, Canada Melba B. Reantaso Aquaculture Officer, FAO, Rome 3
Course Goals 3-day introductory training that provides an overview of risk analysis as applied to the aquaculture sector Designed for government decision-makers and those who will oversee or conduct risk analyses for aquatic animals Emphasizes managing risks associated with movements of live aquatic animals (ecological/pest, pathogen and genetic risks) 4
Course Goals The course will provide participants with an understanding of risk analysis: philosophy frameworks approaches methods resources current issues limitations 5
Course Goals At the end of the course, participants should be able to: Design and set up a national risk analysis team Assess commodity descriptions Contribute to decisions on the need for risk analyses Contribute to scoping a risk analysis Plan, oversee and monitor risk analyses Communicate risk analysis philosophy and issues to senior politicians and other decision-makers Know when and where to get help 6
Limitations Emphasizes risks to “the commons” rather than risks to the private sector or individual Ecological/pest/invasive species Pathogens Genetic impacts Food safety/human health Provides only a brief introduction and overview to risk analysis Looks only at qualitative risk analysis methods 7
Limitations Does not provide participants with the in-depth, specific technical expertise needed to conduct a good risk analysis Biological expertise Social expertise Economic expertise 8
Course Overview Consists of: A series of 11 lectures that introduce risk analysis and guide participants through the process from start to finish An associated series of 7 Working Group activities in which the participants will formulate and conduct hypothetical risk analyses Presentations of WG reports and plenary discussions 9
Course Overview A key feature of the WG activities will be the use of risk analysis “templates” developed by FAO to assist participants in conducting risk analyses and identifying issues and information and resource needs Hypothetical risk analyses will involve probable “real life” scenarios (commodities, exporting countries, etc.) for regional countries 10
Course Outline Day 1 (afternoon) 1.Course Introduction 2. Overview of Trade in Aquatic Animal Commodities 3. Overview of Risks in Aquaculture 4.Overview of Risk Analysis 11
Course Outline Day 2 5. International Treaties & Agreements 6. Pathogen Risk Analysis: a)TAADs; b) Introduction, and Preliminaries Working Group Exercise 1: Identifying issues and potential risks in proposals for species translocation Working Group Exercise 2: Identifying current risk analysis frameworks and procedures (country exercise) 7. Pathogen Risk Analysis: Hazard Identification Working Group Exercise 3, Sections Case Studies: Pathogen risk analysis - scoping to hazard identification 12
Course Outline Day 3 8. Pathogen Risk Analysis: Risk Assessment o Release Assessment o Exposure Assessment o Consequence Assessment o Risk Estimation Working Group Exercise 4 - ALOP (country exercise) Working Group Exercise 5 - Case Studies: risk assessment (release, exposure & consequence assessment); risk estimation; risk management (risk evaluation)) 13
Course Outline Day 3 (continued) 9. Risk Management o Risk Evaluation o Option Evaluation o Implementation o Monitoring and review Working Group Exercise 6 - Risk management (option evaluation, implementation, monitoring and review) 14
Course Outline Day 4 (morning) 10.Risk Communication Working Group Exercise 3 (Section 4 -risk communication) 11. Concluding Session Working Group Exercise 7 -Implementing risk analysis: identification of needs and recommendations (country exercise) 15