Comprehension Analyze Text Goal for Lesson 26: You will: 1. Understand point of view 2. Know the author’s purpose
Point of view : The point of view, or perspective, is the position the author takes with a subject. Comprehension Another way to put it is the angle from which a story is told.
Comprehension What you need to know : 1. Who is telling the story? Is this story being told from the 1 st person (using ‘I’), or the 3 rd person (using ‘he’ or ‘she’)? 2. Once you know who is telling the story, you need to know what position or opinion they may have on the topic they are writing about. This is point of view.
Point of view : 1 st Person A 1 st person point of view means that one of the characters is telling the story. Comprehension Example: I was glad my family understood my decision. It made it easier to work with their support.
Point of view : 3rd Person A 3rd person point of view means that someone outside of the story is telling it. Comprehension Stories told in the 3 rd person may focus on one character, revealing the characters thoughts or feelings, as well as actions.
Point of view : perspective or tone. A 3rd person point of view can show bias towards certain characters and events. It can also be objective to force the reader to form his/her own opinion based on the events themselves. Comprehension
Point of view : perspective According to the author’s perspective, he or she may express a certain tone that shows the feelings they have about a character or the events that take place. The author’s tone may be serious, funny, angry, sad, and so on. Comprehension
Point of view : perspective Why is this important to you, the reader? Comprehension If you know the main purpose an author has for his/her writing, you could understand the writing so much more.
Point of view : perspective Why is this important to you, the reader? Comprehension You would be able to understand WHY the author wrote the way he or she did, and why they included the details or events they shared.
Point of view : perspective Who will read this? Comprehension The author has an intended audience in mind when he/she writes, just as you need to consider your audience when you write. Knowing who you are writing to will help you to know
Point of view : perspective (continued) Comprehension how to write what you want to communicate. Your tone and content will change depending on your audience.
Who will read this? (continued) Comprehension For instance: How would you write a letter to a friend about your school work in comparison to a letter to your teacher ? What tone would you have? What choices of words would you use? They would be different, right?
What impact does the author want to have on the reader? Comprehension For instance: 1.To inform the reader: sharing information 2.To persuade: like our persuasive essays 3.To entertain: simply for pleasure, to move the reader to tears, to
...Continued Comprehension cause the reader to laugh, get angry, or to think about life in another way through the characters, actions and events that unfold in a plot.
Let’s review the author’s purpose and point of view before we practice…. Comprehension What does the purpose of the author mean? What does point of view mean?
Comprehension What does the purpose of the author mean? The author wants to inform or entertain the reader. What does point of view mean? -written in 1 st or 3 rd person, it also reflects the perspective of the author’s views and feelings about the events and characters.
Putting it into Practice Analyzing Text: Point of View and Purpose Read paragraph from Chapter 26, Back of the North Wind Listening Focus: 1.What is the main idea? (provide support using the text) 2. What is the author’s point of view and purpose? (provide support using the text)
“The gentleman was Mr. Evans, to whom Miss Coleman was to have been married, and Diamond had seen him several times with her in the garden. I have said that he had not behaved very well to Miss Coleman. He had put off their marriage more than once in a cowardly fashion, merely because he was ashamed to marry upon a small income, and live in a humble way. When a man thinks of what people will
say in such a case, he may love, but his love is but a poor affair. Mr. Coleman took him into the firm as a junior partner, and it was in a measure through his influence that he entered upon those speculations which ruined him. So his love had not been a blessing. The ship which North Wind had sunk was their last venture, and Mr. Evans had gone out with it in the hope of turning its cargo to the best advantage. He was one of
the single boat-load which managed to reach a desert island, and he had gone through a great many hardships and sufferings since then. But he was not past being taught, and his troubles had done him no end of good, for they had made him doubt himself, and begin to think, so that he had come to see that he had been foolish as well as wicked. For, if he had had Miss Coleman with him in the desert island, to build her a hut, and hunt
for her food, and make clothes for her, he would have thought himself the most fortunate of men; and when he was at home, he would not marry till he could afford a man-servant. Before he got home again, he had even begun to understand that no man can make haste to be rich without going against the will of God, in which case it is the one frightful thing to be successful. So he had come back a more humble man, and longing to
ask Miss Coleman to forgive him. But he had no idea what ruin had fallen upon them, for he had never made himself thoroughly acquainted with the firm's affairs. Few speculative people do know their own affairs. Hence he never doubted he should find matters much as he left them, and expected to see them all at The Wilderness as before. But if he had not fallen in with Diamond, he would not have thought of going there first.”
Listening Focus: 1.What is the main idea? Diamond picks up a stranger and discovers he knew him from the time his family worked for the Coleman family. Diamond remembers he was engaged to the daughter and ended the engagement because he did not have much to offer her, but now has been humbled and is wiser for it and is returning to see her.
TEXT Support “ He had put off their marriage more than once in a cowardly fashion, merely because he was ashamed to marry upon a small income, and live in a humble way…. he would not marry till he could afford a man- servant…. he had come back a more humble man, and longing to ask Miss Coleman to forgive him. ”
Listening Focus: 2. What is the author’s point of view and purpose? (provide support using the text) I think the author believes riches are not something to seek to determine the value of one’s life. His purpose is to show the reader how futile riches can be in comparison to true happiness.
Text Support: “ For, if he had had Miss Coleman with him in the desert island, to build her a hut, and hunt for her food, and make clothes for her, he would have thought himself the most fortunate of men; and when he was at home, he would not marry till he could afford a man-servant.”
Putting it into Practice on Your Own Author’s Purpose & Point of View Read Chapter 26: Diamond Takes a Fare the Wrong Way Right Reading Focus: 1.What is the main idea & author’s purpose? (provide support using the text) 2.Why is this important to understand when reading?
3. Use the CROPQV, and discuss any Questions or Connections on Moodle in the Discussion Forum with others taking this course. 4. Write a new journal entry: In your own words, explain what Putting it into Practice on Your Own Author’s Purpose & Point of View
Putting it into Practice on Your Own Author’s Purpose & Point of View the author’s purpose & point of view is. Why is this important to know? How does this help you, the reader? 5. Fill in your reading log with a CROPQV, pick one that is strongest for you.
Good-Bye, until next time! I look forward to our next lesson, where we will review and practice this more. Until then, keep reading! Use the CROPQV to show reading is thinking ! Complete all the assignments doing your best work! Putting it into Practice on Your Own Author’s Purpose & Point of View