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Presentation transcript:


REVIEW OF OLD TESTAMENT TEACHING ABOUT MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, REMARRIAGE Marriage God instituted marriage One man and one woman The most important relationship The marriage relationship is a used to illustrate Israel’s relationship with God

REVIEW OF OLD TESTAMENT TEACHING ABOUT MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, REMARRIAGE Divorce God hates divorce Malachi 2:13-16 Tolerated in the Law Deut. 24:1-4 God divorced Israel for adultery God required divorce Ezra 10:2-3,11 Even if children are involved Ezra:10:44

JESUS’ TEACHING CONCERNING MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, AND REMARRIAGE Matt. 5:31-32 Matt. 19:3-12 Mark 10:1-12 Luke 16:18

General Law on Marriage Romans 7:1-4 Bound by law As long as he lives Married vs.Bound (Joined by God) If he lives & she marries another, she is an adulteress An adulteress as long as first husband lives

HUSBAND Put away wife & marry another ADULTERY (Mt. 19:9; Lk. 16:18) WIFE Put away husband & marry another ADULTERY (Mk. 10:11-12) PUT-AWAY HUSBAND PUT-AWAY WIFE Makes her and adulteress Whoever marries her ADULTERY (Mt. 5:32; 19:9; Lk.16:18) THIRD PARTY MAN Whoever marries her who is put away (or who puts away her husband) ADULTERY (Mt. 5:32; 19:9, Lk. 16:18) THIRD PARTY WOMAN DIVORCE & REMARRIAGE General Law Taught by Christ

DIVORCE & REMARRIAGE Exception to General Law Taught by Christ HUSBAND Put away wife for cause of sexual immorality & marry another NOT ADULTERY (Mt. 19:9; Lk. 16:18) WIFE

General Law Taught by Christ Divorced People who Remarry COMMIT ADULTERY People who Marry Divorced people Matt. 5:32 Matt. 19:9 Mark. 10:11-12 Luke 16:18 People who put away spouse for cause of sexual immorality and remarry DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY Matt. 5:32 Matt. 19:9 Exception Taught by Christ

Summarizing Points There are unlawful marriages One can be married and not bound (joined) by God Death and divorce for sexual immorality free one from the bond of marriage Otherwise to remarry is committing adultery