Buying a Home Template Mission Statement: This site provides general information on buying a home.
Task Definition To seek inexpensive effective ways to buy a home -How are you going to search for homes? -What am I looking for in a new home? -How much time and money am I willing to invest in fixing up a home? -How do I determine the right sales price for a home I am interested in buying? -Do I understand all the aspects of a real estate transaction, appraisal, title insurance, inspections, liens, deeds, easements and home warranties?
Information Seeking Strategies -Materials (books, videos, DVDs, manuals, hand-books, etc) -Websites -Banking Professionals -Visual Aids (virtual tours and open house tours) - Family and Friend advice
Use of Information - Cost effective ways to politely ask the seller - Free advice - 24/7 access to most information (websites, virtual tours, advice) - Better your chances of buying a home at the right price
Synthesis Guidance combined with a buyer’s motivation can get a house ready for the market. Once a pro and con list is created, buying a home can be every rewarding.
Evaluation -Invite friends and family members to tour the home and look for further improvements. -Answer the questions found on the websites to see if you have dotted all your i’s and crossed all your t’s. -Check your financial situation - Hire an inspector to determine further needs
Use -Apply the useful knowledge found in materials -Tour area homes for sale -Practice buyer/seller conversations (know the square footage, the year of a new roof, installation of windows, taxes, subdivision guidelines, etc) -Manage information related to the home (selling/buying costs of surrounding homes for sale, mortgage loan rates, blueprints, estimates of monthly bills, etc) - Familiarize yourself with correct terminologies and social demeanors needed when inquiry about a home.