Chapter 4
Cow Anatomy
Terms to Know Pins- the protrusions of the wing of the Ilium bones (pelvis) just lateral to the base of the tail in ruminants Brisket- the mass of connective tissue, muscle, and fat covering the cranioventral (front) part of the chest in ruminants Dewclaw- the rudimentary first digit. Found on cows, dear, goats, cats, and dogs Poll- the top of the head Switch- hair at the end of the tail
Cow Skeleton Anatomy
Terms to Know Mandible- bottom jaw Maxilla- top jaw Parts of the spine (in order from cranial to caudal end)- Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, caudal.
Horse Anatomy
Terms to Know Chestnut- a callus on the body of the horse usually around the leg/hock area. Muzzle- the forward, projecting part of the head of certain animals including the mouth, nose, and jaws; also called the snout. Hoof- the horny sheath covering the toes or lower part of the foot Hock- the tarsal joint of the hind leg Pinna- the tips of the ears
More Terms to Know Fetlock- projection on the lower part of the leg of a horse it is above and behind the hoof Girth- strap encircling an animal's body in order to secure a load or saddle on its back Coronet- the upper margin of a horse's hoof Gaskin- The part of the hind leg of a horse or related animal between the stifle and the hock Withers- The high part of the back of a horse or similar animal, located between the shoulder blades; not the shoulders!
Hoof Anatomy
Terms to Know Coffin Bone- is the bottom most bone in the equine leg and is encased by the hoof Frog- the V-shaped pad of soft horn between the bars on the sole of the equine hoof
Goat Anatomy
Terms to Know Chest Floor- the floor of the chest, used to measure meat in meat goats Horn- hard, usually permanent structures projecting from the head of certain mammals Barrel- the trunk of a quadruped animal Flank- the section of flesh on the body of an animal between the last rib and the hip
Dog Anatomy
Terms to Know Stop- where the muzzle needs the skull Cheek- The fleshy part of either side of the face below the eye and between the nose and ear
Bird Anatomy
Terms to Know Gizzard- A modified muscular pouch behind the stomach in the alimentary canal of birds Birds sometimes swallow rocks to help the grinding process Tailbone- the bottom of the spine Hip Girdle- the three bones of the pelvis bonded together into one bone. As opposed to having them sutured together Keel- an extension of the sternum which runs axially along the midline of the sternum and extends outward
Similarities A lot of the bones in horses correspond with those in cows and goats. Dogs and cats have similar structures to horses and sheep as well. Birds are built slightly differently, because they are built to fly.