Animal Farm Chapter IX (9)
1. Why would it be difficult for Boxer to work with a split hoof? He would experience pain every time he stepped on the hoof.
2. What does it mean when you make something a “point of honour”? You do it because you are proud to do it.
3. Why were Benjamin and Clover worried about Boxer? Boxer confessed to Clover that the hoof troubled him a lot. Clover and Benjamin warned Boxer that his lungs would not last forever.
4. What is the retiring age for each animal? Horses and pigs: 12 years Cows: 14 Dogs: 9 Sheep: 7 Geese and hens: 5
5. What is the meaning of the word “super annuated”? Animals that have retired.
6. What would the pension be for a horse? Five pounds of corn a day. In winter fifteen pounds of hay On public holidays they may receive a carrot or an apple.
7. What does Squealer mean with the words “a too rigid equality in rations… would have been contrary to the principles of Animalism”? If all animals received the same amount of food they would have acted against the principles of Animalism.
8. What lies are Squealer selling the animals? That some animals may get more food than others. They are not short in food, they are actually eating more than ever. They worked shorter hours. The drinking water was of a better quality. A larger proportion of their young ones survived infancy. They had more straw. They suffered less from fleas.
9. How do you know the pigs consider themselves superior to the animals? (Five reasons) The piglets would get a school They may not play with other animals Other animals must get off paths when a pig approaches. Pigs could wear ribbons on Sundays All the barley was reserved for the pigs
10. What does it mean when someone says “life has a greater dignity”? The animals suffer but they suffer with style. The farm belongs to them, there are no humans to tyrannize over them.
11. What was the reason for the “Spontaneous Demonstrations”? It was held to celebrate the struggles and triumphs of Animal Farm.
12. What is a Republic? A political system or form of government in which people elect representatives to exercise power for them.
13. Why is Animal Farm not really a Republic? The animals did not elect the pigs to be their representatives and they did not elect Napoleon to be their leader.
14. Why was Moses allowed back on the farm? The animals were hungry and they worked hard. They wanted to believe there existed a better place for themselves somewhere else, like Sugarcandy Mountain.
15. Why did Boxer collapse? There was something wrong with his lung.
16. How do you know Boxer was not on the brink of death? He was looking forward to his retirement.
17. Of al the animals why did Boxer deserve the retirement the most? He worked the hardest on the Windmills.
18. What is a “knacker”? somebody who kills horses: somebody who buys and slaughters old, worn-out, or injured horses for their body parts such as their flesh and hide.
19. Why did the animals believe that Boxer died in hospital? (Four reasons) Squealer said he was at Boxer’s deathbed The van was bought by the hospital from the knacker. Squealer gave graphic details of Boxer’s deathbed. He read out a list of costs for medicines which Napoleon paid for.
20. What is the meaning of: “bring back their lamented comrade’s remains for internment on the farm”? To bring back the body of Boxer, for whom they are all crying and mourning, for burial on the farm.
21. Where could the pigs possibly have gotten te money for another case of whiskey? They received the money for Boxer’s skin and bones.