Paint Horse Markings
Overo – Usually white will not cross the back of the horse between withers and tail. – Color is irregular, scattered or splashy. (jagged) – Often loud head markings, for example, a bald face. – May be predominantly dark or white. – Tail is usually one color.
Tobiano – Dark color usually covers one or both flanks. – Color is more regular with oval-shaped spots. (OOOO) – Head markings are like a solid-colored horse. – May be predominantly dark or white. – Tail is often two colors.
Tovero – Combination of tobiano and overo characteristics. – Dark pigment around ears. – One or both eyes are “glass” or blue eyes. – Dark pigment around the mouth. – Usually have chest spots, flank spots and spots around the base of the tail.
White marking between eyes. Comes in many shapes.
Thin strip down the horses nose Does not go off both sides of the bridge of the nose
Small white patch between nostrils Can cover a portion of the upper lip
Thick white line down horses nose Covers area off the bridge of the nose Usually includes a star and/or snip as well
Very wide blaze covering or extending outside an eye on at least one side Usually have white on lower lip as well
Small white ring around the coronet band, above the hoof.
White which comes up higher than a coronet, but that ends before the fetlock joint
Small white marking up to and including the pastern.
White marking that ends extends about half way up the cannon
White marking finishing around the knee or hock.
Darker spots of color at the base of a white leg marking