book: group of printed sheet of papers held together by a cover That is her book.
look: to see. Look at that !
good: great, correct, proper That is a good idea.
hook: a curved tool used to catch or hold something Hang your coat on the hook.
Brook : a very small river The brook is full of water.
took: past of take.. I took out the trash.
foot: part of the body at the end of your leg My foot has ten toes.
shook: past of shake, move violently The dog shook the water off.
wood: material obtained from trees. We used wood to make a fire.
hood: Covering for the head attached to a coat or sweater. My sweater has a hood.
crook: a curved part of something There is a crook in the road.
hoof:: the covering on the foot of an animal. The horse has a hoof on his foot.