RECALL Our History is what we choose to remember about the past. Investigative History is what really happened
INTERPRET History involves explaining people and events
APPLY Use what we know about the past to understand the present
ANALYZE History involves figuring out complicated situations
SYNTHESIZE History involves making sense out of jumbled facts
EVALUATE History involves making judgments about people and events
Colorado Shootings, Presidential Election, Romney Nomination, Hunger Games, Music News, Drought, State of Education in America, London Olympics, Concussions Suppose you are an internet newspaper reporter in the year 2100 (there will be no more paper newspapers in 100 years). Write a one- to two paragraph editorial sharing your opinion on the historical event that happened 100 years ago (in or around the year 2012). Include comments that show how future historians (in your time period) believe the event came about and what they believe the importance of the event is on their time's society. Suppose you are an internet newspaper reporter in the year 2100 (there will be no more paper newspapers in 100 years). Write a one- to two paragraph editorial sharing your opinion on the historical event that happened 100 years ago (in or around the year 2012). Include comments that show how future historians (in your time period) believe the event came about and what they believe the importance of the event is on their time's society.