Western Energy Alliance PAC Presentation Katie Behnke Managing Partner Starboard Group 1420 West Canal Court, Suite 10 Littleton, CO Phone: (720) Website:
About Starboard Group Firm founded in 2008: Political and Fundraising Consulting Specialize in fundraising for candidates, 527, 501c4, 501c3 and PACs Personally over 11 years of fundraising experience in Colorado Hired in April of 2012 to assist Western Energy Alliance team with PAC fundraising
Western Energy Alliance PAC PAC Established in 2006 Goal: To raise Western Energy Alliance’s profile and influence in Washington and throughout the West by contributing to political candidates who can provide support for natural gas and oil development.
The importance of participation You make a difference! Educate Communicate Invest Work together to elect candidates: Support our industry Are committed to creating a favorable business environment.
Western Energy Alliance PAC Giving Contributes to U.S. Senate Candidates and U.S. House Candidates who: Represent a producing state in the West Serve on a key committee Strong history of supporting oil and natural gas development Important “swing vote” Candidate running against an incumbent who has been openly hostile to the industry
Why Does Western Energy Alliance have a PAC? Improve the climate for your business in the West by impacting elections Support candidates that share Western Energy Alliance’s agenda Promote awareness of current Western Energy Alliance’s issues Impact the future of the Energy industry Create a coalition of supporters among elected officials Investment in candidates who support our industry
PAC Contribution Limits PACs may receive $5,000 per person, LLC (allocated to members), or PAC per calendar year Contributions may only be solicited from Western Energy Alliance’s Board of Directors, Board of Advisors or individuals who have accepted membership.
Steering Committee Members of Western Energy Alliance who give $1,000 or more to the PAC per year Benefits include: PAC Check presentation opportunities to candidates Invitations to events hosted by Western Energy Alliance PAC Decision making input for the governance of the PAC Periodic meetings to strategize on political giving
Current Steering Committee Members *as of June 11 th, 2012 Jon Bargas Robert Bayless Jr Porter Bennett Jim Brown Robert Clark Cornelius Dupre Jack Ekstrom Richard Frommer Daryll Howard Jeffrey Lang Jim Lightner Gregory Morzano Jay Neese Bob Plowman James Powers Jim Schroeder Kathleen Sgamma Thomas Sheffield Stan Sprinkle Tim Stewart Bret Sumner Randall Weeks Tim Wigley Duane Zavadil
2010 PAC Results Western Energy Alliance PAC helped elect 13 candidates who are supportive of our industry Numerous PAC contribution recipients last cycle, signed on to a letter supporting a great role for natural gas. Many recipients publicly opposed increasing taxes on our industry
2012 Fundraising Cash on Hand: $57, *as of June 12 th, 2012 Goal of raising an additional $50,000 in 2012 Currently budgeted to give to more than 12 members of Congress (more depending upon funds received) Co-Hosting Upcoming events in Colorado with: Congressman Mike Coffman Congressman Denny Rehberg Congressman Rick Berg Hosted June event for Congressman Doc Hastings (Chairman of House Natural Resource Committee)
Interesting Facts During the 2010 Cycle, PACs related the oil and gas industry gave over $10 million to federal candidates. Of which, 73% of the candidates were Republicans and 26% were Democrats The largest oil and gas PAC raised over $1.2 million during the 2010 cycle. *Source: 6/12/12