Alternative routes to GCSE and beyond Certificate in Use of Maths, Level 1 and 2 Certificate in Further Maths, Level 2
The top 15% of students will get an A or A* at GCSE… …while more than 40% of students will not get the grade C they need. Isn’t GCSE Maths enough? We know that both these groups can become disengaged. AQA’s Certificates keep maths interesting and relevant.
A guide to Use of Maths Nationally, over 40% of students won’t get a C grade at GCSE Maths. Our Use of Maths Certificate will give them an alternative route …..
Who is Use of Maths for?
What is Use of Maths? Motivating alternative to re-sits Modular approach
When can students take Use of Maths?
Why should you consider Use of Maths? Easy to personalise with current resources Counts as a full GCSE
How does Use of Maths work?
Pick one core module…
Pick any two FSMQs…
UMS Points Core 65 Grade C Accumulate UMS points… FSMQ 1 58 FSMQ 2 63 Total 186
Re-sit as often as you need…Re-sit any part… Replace and rebuild…Upgrade… Jump to teacher support Jump to teacher support
A guide to Further Maths Are the top 15% of students genuinely challenged by GCSE Maths?
Who is Further Maths for?
What is Further Maths? Introduces advanced topics (like calculus and trigonometry)
When can students take Further Maths?
Why should you consider Further Maths?
How does Further Maths work? Can be co-taught with GCSE Maths
A wealth of personal and online support to guide you through our certificates…
Personal support
Online resources
What next? Register for regular subject updates and information about exam change
Other ways to get involved… Register for regular subject updates and information about exam change
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