Welcome Opening Prayer ED 212 Foundations of Education
Syllabus Course Outcomes Assignments – Chapter assignments Calendar
Objectives Content: 1.I will identify what motivated me to choose teaching as a career. 2.I will describe the program of teacher preparation in the BYUH School of Education and the requirements for receiving an ITEP Certificate. 3.I will identify what it means to be a reflective practitioner. Language: 1.I will share with the class my motivation for choosing teaching as a career. 2.I will write and discuss what it means to be a reflective practitioner.
Choosing to become a teacher Think, Write, Share 1.Think about why you chose teaching as a career. (pg. 33) 2.Write down 3-5 things that motivated you to become a teacher. 3.Share your story with the class in less than 3 minutes.
Routes to Teaching Traditional Route 4 year university degree Kiribati Teachers College Alternative Routes Professionals who wish to change careers Degrees in various areas who wish to become a teacher ITEP Certificate: Must be completed by Dec or three years from the date of hire. Church School Teacher Scholarship (CSTS)
ITEP Certificate SPED200 Education of Exceptional Children3 EDUC212Foundations of Education2 EDUC300Human Growth and Learning2 SCED*301Reading in the Content Area2 EDUC305Technology for the Classroom Teacher1 EDUC*312Effective Pedagogy3 ELED**321Elementary Reading Methods3 EDUC*326 SIOP Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol2 EDUC*330Class Management2 EDUC385Classroom Assessment3 ITEP*492Student Teaching12 *Core/Non-waived courses effective 1 January, 2013 **301 or 321 required, not both courses
2014 ITEP Class Schedule 2014 ITEP Class Schedule Course Number TitleDates scheduled to be taught ED 305Technology in the Classroom14 Jan-17 Jan; 9:00-12:00 ED 492Student Teaching – Session #1Wed. 28 Jan; 9:00-11:00 28 Jan – 16 Apr Wed. 16 Apr: 3:15-5:15 ED 492Student Teaching – Session #2Wed. 2 Apr; 3:15-5:15 2 Apr – 2 Jul Wed. 2 Jul; 3:15-5:15 ED 326SIOPWed. In-service; 3:15-5:15 29 Jan, 19 Feb, 12 Mar, 26 Mar, 23 Apr, 21 May, 11 Jun, 25 Jun ED 212Foundations of EducationTues/Thurs; 11 Feb-13 Mar,3:15-5:15 ED 514R3Career CounselingTues. 11 Feb – 8 Apr; 3:30-6:00 ED 312Effective PedagogyTues/Thurs; 18 Mar-1 May; 3:15-5:15 ED 330Classroom ManagementTues/Thurs; 20 May-3 Jul; 3:15-5:15
Reflective Practitioner Activity: 1.In your group, take turns reading and retelling pg , “What does it mean to be a reflective practitioner? 2.Write About: a)Each person writes one sentence about what it means to them to be a reflective practitioner. b)Pass the paper to the left. Write a sentence that is different from the previous sentence about a reflective practitioner. c)Continue till 3-4 sentences have been written. 3.Group Share
Objectives Content: 1.I will identify what motivated me to choose teaching as a career. 2.I will describe the program of teacher preparation in the BYUH School of Education and the requirements for receiving an ITEP Certificate. 3.I will identify what it means to be a reflective practitioner. Language: 1.I will share with the class my motivation for choosing teaching as a career. 2.I will write and discuss what it means to be a reflective practitioner.