Getting Started With Science Fair
Start with a category of interest Experiences – caring for a pet, foods you like & don’t, daily tasks Hobbies – sports, video games, cooking Interests – space, the environment Current events – the election, school’s back 2
Identify interests and subcategories of them Aerospace - Space – outerspace, black holes Physics - sports – skateboarding, basketball Chemistry - Cooking – baking – cookies Zoology Botany
Four Question Strategy “Okay I want to do a project on black holes” Four Question Strategy Q1: What materials are readily available for conducting experiments on (subject)? Hmmm. None, go back to your list of interests
Four Question Strategy “Okay then I want to do a project on skateboards” Four Question Strategy Q1: What materials are readily available for conducting experiments on (subject)? Skateboards, wheels, ramps, etc.
Four Question Strategy Four Question Strategy Q2: How do (subject)s act? Roll far and fast jump, turn, flip One of these can be measured as the dependent variable.
Four Question Strategy Q3: How can you change the materials available to affect the action? 1.Brand of skateboard 2.Type of wheels 3.Wheel size 4.Material or age of wheel CHOOSE ONE FOR THE MANIPULATED VARIABLE KEEP ALL OTHER THINGS YOU COULD CHANGE THE EXACT SAME. THOSE ARE THE CONTROLLED VARIABLES.
Four Question Strategy Four Question Strategy Q4: How can you measure or describe the response of (subject) to the change? MEASURE distance traveled Measure speed Measure height
Four Question Strategy Four Question Strategy: 1. Question 1 identifies the materials needed. 2. Question 2 results in possible dependent variables 3. Question 3 results in possible independent variables 4. Question 4 identifies how the effect will be measured Pick from the possible variables to produce a question you want to pursue. Does the wheel material affect the speed of a skateboard?