Alaska, My Thoughts
Alaska Improvements Wind Power to be added at Selawik and one other site, either Deadhorse or King Salmon LVD modified to keep battery voltages higher for site to automatically recover. Need to keep battery voltage above 9 volts. Solar panel change at King Salmon needed Address Methanol Fuel Cell performance
Station Power Requirements CR mA X 2 = 44 mA RH Sensor 44 mA Geonor Wires 38 mA Aspirated Shield 500 mA Total near 1 AH without Geonor heater
Station Design with MFC Enclosure maintained above 0 C 387 Ah Battery Bank MFC charges batteries when below 12 Volts Battery capacity stays high due to warmed container Batteries will not freeze Solar charge controller charges batteries when solar input adequate
MFC Failure Results Enclosure cools to ambient temperature Batteries will freeze at 50% DOD near 0 F Once batteries freeze, will not take a charge Solar charge controller will not charge batteries when frozen or when voltage less than 9 volts
System Design without MFC Capacity (AH)=Total Daily Load X Days Autonomy X Design Factor Capacity (AH) # Battery= 1 (AH)X 24 hr/D X Days Autonomy X 2.84 / 129 AH Battery # Battery = 1 X 24 X 120 X 2.84 / 129 Need AH batteries to run the system for 120 days # Battery = 1 X 24 X 30 X 2.84 / 129 Need AH batteries to run the system for 30 days
Options for Remote Stations Locate stations where more easily accessed if problems More redundancy in power system. This is a single point of failure Improve the performance of the MFC Test systems in winter in Fairbanks. Right now our test is the previous winter More power management. Analysis of unaspirated temps vs aspirated temps