Becoming An Externally Focused Church Dr. Steve R. Parr with Larry Wynn and Stacy Dyer Sponsored and Produced by Mike Turner of C.A.A. Outreach Ministries Dr. Steve R. Parr with Larry Wynn and Stacy Dyer Sponsored and Produced by Mike Turner of C.A.A. Outreach Ministries
WELCOME! Host: Steve Parr V.P. for Evangelism & Sunday School Georgia Baptist Convention Host: Steve Parr V.P. for Evangelism & Sunday School Georgia Baptist Convention
External Focus The Foundation The Challenge The Strategy The Foundation The Challenge The Strategy
The Foundation Matthew 28:18-20, The Great Commission Luke 15:3-7, Parable of the Lost Sheep Matthew 9:37-38, Fields ripe for harvest Luke 8:1- “Soon afterwards He (Jesus) was traveling from one town and village, preaching and telling the good news of the Kingdom of God. The Twelve were with Him.” Matthew 28:18-20, The Great Commission Luke 15:3-7, Parable of the Lost Sheep Matthew 9:37-38, Fields ripe for harvest Luke 8:1- “Soon afterwards He (Jesus) was traveling from one town and village, preaching and telling the good news of the Kingdom of God. The Twelve were with Him.”
The Challenge Should you “shepherd the flock” (1 Peter 5:2) or “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:5)? Yes! The “Squeaky Wheel Principle.” The congregation continually, directly, and verbally cries out for your attention. Should you “shepherd the flock” (1 Peter 5:2) or “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:5)? Yes! The “Squeaky Wheel Principle.” The congregation continually, directly, and verbally cries out for your attention.
The Strategy Five Points of Application Five Points of Application
1. Intentionality The number one lesson learned in the study of Georgia’s Top Evangelistic Churches: Question: How does your church differ from other Southern Baptist Churches in your area? “We are more intentionally evangelistic or place more emphasis on evangelism” was by far the most frequent response. The number one lesson learned in the study of Georgia’s Top Evangelistic Churches: Question: How does your church differ from other Southern Baptist Churches in your area? “We are more intentionally evangelistic or place more emphasis on evangelism” was by far the most frequent response.
2. See and Share the Harvest Demographic information is available to your church at no cost upon request to Research Services of the Georgia Baptist Convention. Three sample slides: Demographic information is available to your church at no cost upon request to Research Services of the Georgia Baptist Convention. Three sample slides:
Population is the number of people (all ages). Households consist of people who occupy a housing unit regardless of their relationship. Families are two or more people, one of whom is the householder, related by birth, marriage or adoption residing in the same housing unit.
Notice the population trend over the last decades. What changes are projected for the next five years? Is your ministry area growing, stable, or declining in number? It is often easier for churches to grow in communities where a large number of people are moving in. A declining population may present challenges for numeric church growth, but great opportunities for ministry-based outreach. Are church members building relationships with neighbors and inviting them to worship and small group Bible studies?
The North American Mission Board estimates that 60% of the population across the United States is unchurched (attends services less than 3 times a year) and 70% are unbelievers. Widely accepted research today indicates that on average 80% of our population is not attending a place of worship each week. Remember the words of Jesus to “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” (John 4:35)
3. Open Your Campus Offer your facilities (rent free if possible) to local schools, neighborhoods, community groups, recreation groups. Question: If your church disappeared tonight, how long would it take the community to notice? Offer your facilities (rent free if possible) to local schools, neighborhoods, community groups, recreation groups. Question: If your church disappeared tonight, how long would it take the community to notice?
4. Mobilization Utilize your largest organization: Sunday School (or whatever you call your small group strategy). Provide Missionary Baby Steps. Find ways to serve the community. Utilize your largest organization: Sunday School (or whatever you call your small group strategy). Provide Missionary Baby Steps. Find ways to serve the community.
5. Community Exposure 5. Community Exposure Community Events on Campus Church Events in the Community Promoting your church Event Evangelism Community Events on Campus Church Events in the Community Promoting your church Event Evangelism
Conversation with Larry Wynn, Pastor of Hebron Baptist Church.
Interview with guest pastor, Stacy Dyer, Harmony Grove Baptist Church, Blairsville.
Assignments 1.Last call to to order your two books. 2.Contact your accountability partner and discuss second session. 3.Discuss with your partner one immediate and one long-term application to becoming more Externally Focused. 1.Last call to to order your two books. 2.Contact your accountability partner and discuss second session. 3.Discuss with your partner one immediate and one long-term application to becoming more Externally Focused.
Becoming An Externally Focused Church Dr. Steve R. Parr with Larry Wynn and Stacy Dyer Sponsored and Produced by Mike Turner of C.A.A. Outreach Ministries Dr. Steve R. Parr with Larry Wynn and Stacy Dyer Sponsored and Produced by Mike Turner of C.A.A. Outreach Ministries