By Pastor Phillips Koh
JOHN 3 : “YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN” A personal encounter with Jesus in which Nicodemus went through a paradigm shift
A) NICODEMUS 1)His Personal Background (verses 1, 4 & 10) John 3 provides the following facts about Nicodemus: a)A Pharisee – Practises his religion seriously b)A Ruler of the Jews – Belongs to the Jewish Sanhedrin c)A teacher of the Law – Knows the Scripture deeply d)An elderly man – Still searching for the purpose and meaning of life Application : Are you still searching for ultimate satisfaction in life? See John 10:10
2)A Sincere Seeker Of The Truth (verse 2) Nicodemus demonstrates this in the following ways: a)An open-minded person Willing to consider alternative religious claims b)A personal investigation of the truth Nicodemus went directly to the source Application : Do you have an ‘owned’ faith or ‘inherited’ faith?
B) NICODEMUS AND JESUS We shall only explore the key themes : a) What is the Kingdom of God? Verse 3 : Why does Jesus talk about the Kingdom when Nicodemus did not even raise up this issue?
Kingdom of God Its Meaning God’s rule over his people Its Manifestation Already present, but not fully yet Its Blessing a)Forgiveness of sins b)Gift of eternal life c)Defeat of evil powers Application : The Kingdom of God is only reserved for those who are willing to submit to the Lordship of Jesus. See Matthew 7:21-23
2) How Can A Person Be ‘Born Again’? Verse 3: Why does Jesus introduced the ‘born again’ concept to Nicodemus? Greek term: could also be translated as ‘born from above’ Nicodemus understood ‘born again’ as a reference to physical birth Jesus provides a deeper explanation of ‘born again’ in verse 5
a) Born of Waterb) Born of the Spirit Old Testament Background – Ezekiel 36:25-27 (Quote in full) New Testament Background – Baptism of repentance by John the Baptist An act of spiritual regeneration by the Holy Spirit A clear reference to spiritual birth Application : See John 1: 12-13
3) How is Spiritual Birth Different from Physical Birth? Verse 6: How does Jesus distinguish spiritual birth from physical birth? Jesus makes a sharp distinction between physical and spiritual birth (verse 6) Jesus insists on the necessity of spiritual birth (verse 7) Jesus illustrates the nature of spiritual birth (verse 8) Application : There is no other way of entering heaven!
4) Where Does Jesus Actually Come From? Verse 9-14: What special claims does Jesus make about himself here? Jesus makes 2 astounding claims a) That he came from heaven (verse 13) How can Jesus be an ordinary human being if he claims to be of heavenly origin?
b) That he could offer the gift of eternal life (verses 14-15) Why does Jesus employ the illustration of the bronze serpent from the Old Testament? 4) Where Does Jesus Actually Come From ? Application : There is only one right response – “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28)
Conclusion What is the underlying spiritual significance of John 3:16ff?