Grocery Store Discussion
Drill How many valence electrons do the elements in the alkali metals have? How many valence electrons do the elements in the halogens have?
Objectives iWBAT Analyze a group’s store poster for organization. Review notes for properties of bonded compounds.
Switch You will switch posters with another group that is a different store type than yours (ex. Grocery might evaluate Craft). Each group will work together to answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
Questions 1.How is the store organized (traditional shelves, tables, etc.)? 2.Does the design appear purposeful, or is it random? Explain. 3.Choose one aisle. What category are the items in the aisle (i.e. produce, arts & craft, outdoor sports)? Are there items out of place? If so, which aisle should they be place in? If not, are there any items that belong in multiple aisles? 4. Comment on the overall design of the store. What works? What could be improved?
Connection What connection does this activity have to the development of the Periodic Table?
Last Week Last week you look up 2 scientists… Dmitri Mendeleev and Henry Moseley These scientists worked to create our current periodic table.
Dmitri Mendeleev Mendeleev proposed arranging the periodic table by increasing atomic weight and chemical & physical properties. (Do you remember types of chemical and physical properties from a few weeks ago?) Mendeleev’s periodic table showed similiarities in groups, rows and diagonal relationships. Mendeleev’s table contained gaps where he predicted the existence of new elements.
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
Henry Moseley Moseley created our current Periodic Table. Moseley arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic number. Some of the inconsistencies of Mendeleev’s periodic table were eliminated due to this change.
Bonding We will now switch topics and talk about Bonding. I will use the Bonding Properties PowerPoint and you will create a foldable. Pick up a piece of colored paper.