Bible Unity Unity is commanded, 1 Cor. 1:10 Unity is disrupted, Acts 20:30-32 History of disruption -Roman Catholicism
New Testament Christianity Lutheran Presbyterian Episcopal Etc.
New Testament Christianity Lutheran Presbyterian Episcopal Etc.
Reformation “To improve by alteration, correction of error, or removal of defects; put into a better form or condition.”
Reformation Jehu sought reforms, 2 Kgs. 9, 10 »Charge, 2 Kgs. 9:7 »Action, 2 Kgs. 9:21-10:28 »Failing, 2 Kgs. 10:29-31
Reformation Reformation of s failed »Rejected Catholicism in part, not whole »Kept many traditions (priests, etc.) »Added new doctrines of men
Restoration “To bring back into existence or use, reestablish; To bring back to an original condition”
Restoration Nehemiah & Ezra »Original law, Neh. 8:1-12 »Original worship, Neh. 8:13-18 »Original law, Ezra 10:1-4 »Original application, Ezra 10:44
Restoration Restoration of s succeeded »NT sole rule of faith & practice, Col. 3:17 »Rejected creeds, 1 Pt. 4:11, 16 »Sought unity in truth, 1 Jn. 1:3, 7
James O’Kelly, Methodist preacher (VA, NC) Advocated congregation autonomy Withdrew from Methodist Conference Formed Republic Methodist Church, 1793 Rejected it, declared Bible as sufficient Wanted to be known as a Christian
Barton W. Stone, Presbyterian preacher 1790 (NC) Ordained in Cane Ridge, KY Rejected depravity Troubled with Presbyterian doctrine Formed The Springfield Presbytery, 1803 Dissolved in 1804
Thomas Campbell, Presbyterian preacher in Ireland Missionary to America 1807 Preached against Presbyterian doctrines Suspended by Synod in 1808 Declaration and Address 1809
Alexander Campbell, Born in Ireland – to America 1809 Surprised to find father was like-minded Troubled over baptism, studied, baptized Joined with Baptists for a time Sermon on the Law
“Raccoon” John Smith, Raised as Baptist – wanted an experience Felt relief & voted in 1804 Wanted supernatural call Lost family in AL 1814; moved to KY Memorized vast amounts of Scripture Became friends with A. Campbell
Unity in truth B. Stone & A. Campbell met in 1824 Minor differences; Christians v. disciples Groups met in 1831 Second meeting united
New Testament Christianity Lutheran Presbyterian Episcopal Etc.
New Testament Christianity Lutheran Presbyterian Episcopal Etc.