Your future. Our Mission. Founded 1870 | Rolla, Missouri
Missouri S&T Transfer Students Fall 2010 Debbie Schatz, Assistant Director of Admissions October 7, 2010
2010 New Transfer Students 496 in 2010 (108 Spring, 388 Fall) 27% female, 73% male 12% Under-represented minority 11% International 66% engineering, 34% other majors
1168 Enrolled (1053 undergrad, 114 grad) 59 average transfer credits 3.18 average transfer GPA 3.16 average Cumulative GPA after 1 or more S&T semesters 27 female, 73% male 11% under-represented minority 2010 S&T Transfer Students All Currently Enrolled Transfers
East Central College98 St. Louis CC114 Metropolitan CC59 Jefferson College51 Ozarks Technical CC43 St. Charles CC37 Mineral Area College35 AUC DDEP24 SWIC21 SEMO18 Three Rivers CC18 State Fair CC13 MO Southern12 Univ of Central MO11 Southwest Baptist10 Enrolled Students by School
Fall 2010 Transfer Student Survey
Survey completion 81/387 (21%) Age (82%) (22 Average Age) Age 25+ (18%) Missouri Resident (74%) Non-Missouri Resident (26%) Survey Demographics
From how many institutions did you transfer credit? One (46%) Two (38%) 3+ (16%) Transfer School
As a result of your transfer school experience, how prepared do you feel to be successful at Missouri S&T? Academic Preparation How satisfied were you in the academic preparation you received at your transfer school? Yes: 97% No: 7% Yes: 84% No: 15%
Met with Missouri S&T Representative Getting Ready to Transfer Yes: 77% No: 23% Visited Campus Yes: 42% No: 58% Before transferring to Missouri S&T I...
Information About Missouri S&T Before transferring, I received information from the following sources »My transfer school advisor (33%) »Printed information at my transfer school (25%) »Website and s from Missouri S&T (72%) »Mail (48%) »Visits to my transfer school by Missouri S&T representatives/faculty (40%) »Friends, family, and/or fellow students (54%) »Other (16%) Before transferring, I had access to the following types of information »Transfer course equivalencies (69%) »Degree Requirements (82%) »Transfer scholarship information (90%) »Admission applications and procedures (87%) »Housing in Rolla (63%) »Other (7%)
My transfer school has a coordinated transfer program for students transferring to Missouri S&T: Yes (53%) No (21%) Do not know (25%) Did not respond (15%) I had access to a transfer guide to help me select classes at my transfer school: Yes (58%) No (25%) Do not know (15%) My transfer school advisor was able to advise me on classes that would transfer to Missouri S&T: Yes (53%) No (27%) Do not know (19%) I am satisfied with the advising services I received at my transfer school: Yes (54%) No (31%) Do not know (14%) Coordinated Transfer Program
Area of Study Business/Management (2%) Computer/Technical (11%) Engineering (65%) Liberal Arts (0%) Science and Mathematics (17%) Medical Fields (4%) Undecided (0%) A+ Program Eligible (23%) Not eligible (37%) Do not know (40%) Major Changes Before Transferring Zero (53%) Once (27%) Twice (16%) Three times (3%) Four or more 1%) Academics No Degree
Credits Completed Before Transfer
Cumulative GPA of Transfer Credits
After transferring to Missouri S&T, I expect my GPA to…
On average, how many hours per week did you work while at your transfer school? …expect to work at Missouri S&T?
Number of hours per week you studied outside of class at transfer school? …expect to study at Missouri S&T?
Housing Choices
Number of miles round-trip you commuted while attending your transfer school? …plan to commute at Missouri S&T?
Satisfaction with Transition Decision to TransferApplication Process Meeting with Advisor Class Registration Satisfied: 89% Unsatisfied: 11% Satisfied: 97% Unsatisfied: 3% Satisfied: 98% Unsatisfied: 2% Satisfied: 84% Unsatisfied: 8% Did Not Access: 8%
Agree: 42% Disagree: 2% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 53% Agree: 65% Disagree: 14% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 20% Agree: 25% Disagree: 11% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 63% Agree: 90% Disagree: 8% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 2% How satisfied were you with…?
Agree: 79% Disagree: 14% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 6% Agree: 65% Disagree: 14% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 20% Agree: 85% Disagree: 12% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 2% Agree: 31% Disagree: 40% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 29% Transferring Credit
Did you have to take extra courses at Missouri S&T Transferring Credit Yes: 16% No: 69% Do not know: 13% Did you have to repeat course at Missouri S&T Yes: 11% No: 63% Do not know: 26% Reasons given for credits not transferring »Limit on the total number or credits I can transfer (2%) »Course grade was not high enough (5%) »Missouri S&T doesn’t accept any transfers of credits from my old institution (2%) »Missouri S&T doesn’t accept career and technical education course for credit (6%) »Course not considered to be at college level (1%) »Missouri S&T 40%) »I do not know why my credits did not transfer (15%) »Other (44%) »Did not respond (20%)
How were you advised at Missouri S&T? 74% Transfer Advising Day Event 12% Individual Advising Appointment 7% 4% Phone 1% Other 2% Did not respond Transfer Orientation was a worthwhile event: Orientation & Advising Agree: 52% Disagree: 13% Did Not Participate: 35%
Activities You Plan to Participate In at Missouri S&T
Your future. Our Mission. Founded 1870 | Rolla, Missouri