Transformation: Making a Difference Is there a simple, transparent process to promote high quality implementation of our aligned plans that accelerates.


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Presentation transcript:

Transformation: Making a Difference Is there a simple, transparent process to promote high quality implementation of our aligned plans that accelerates their achievement and improves their lives?

Compliance: LCAP Says We Have To Is there a simple, transparent process to promote high quality implementation of our aligned plans that accelerates their achievement and improves their lives?

Annual Update Questions

Transparent, Collaborative, Effective, Transformative Final ES FS Review to 7-31

Empowering Local Communities “LCFF is unprecedented. It seeks to combine a state school funding mechanism aimed at more equitable distribution of resources to students needing the most support with a decision making process that moves power from the state to local communities. It is, indeed, a grand vision, as ambitious and noble an agenda as any state has set.” Toward a Grand Vision: October 2014

Using Logic Models/Maps for LCAP Implementation

What’s a Logic Map or Logic Model? “A logic model is a systematic and visual way to present and share your understanding of the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan, and the changes or results you hope to achieve” W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide In other words

Logic Maps and LCAP A logic map or model is a graphic depiction of how resources are used to fund activities that enhance outputs that produce short term and long term desired outcomes. In LCAP terms for today’s example: A logic map or model is a graphic depiction of how LCFF funding is used to enhance educators’ skills and dispositions that enable students to perform to rigorous standards, become college and career ready, and have more options for a happy, productive life.

Why? Its use provides “a system to strategically monitor, manage, and report program outcomes throughout development and implementation.”

Through each iteration, we become more clear in our implementation efforts.

14 Logic Map/Model Resources Alameda County Office of Education: Using Logic Maps for Plan Evaluation and Monitoring Ingrid Roberson Go to: Resources Links to LCAP Info on Symbaloo Find Logic Maps for CAASFEP W M Kellogg Logic Model Development Guide

Moving From Goals to Outcomes LCAP Goal or LEA/LCAP Goal: INPUTS Resources What we invest. OUTPUTS Actions/Services What we do.How we document. Short-term OUTCOMES Intermediate Long-term Early changes we expect to see. Mid-way changes we expect to see. Lasting changes we expect to see. Goal 1.3: Grade level literacy – Students will demonstrate grade level proficiency in literacy with third grade performance serving as the district indicator or progress toward this goal. Expenses: Certificated salaries. Teachers hourly curriculum developmen t time. Substitutes. Actions/Services Provided workshops, coaching, planning time to teachers to support implementation of CCSS-ELA. Workshop attendance. Make up workshop attendance. Teacher vital behaviors identified. Coaches trained in TCRWP. Students use academic language and “because” to suggest use of evidence. Student samples of close reading annotations. TCRWP Reading: All: 76% EL: 52% SED: 59% AA: 57% H: 58% SWD: 39% The SBAC baseline will be established after spring 2015 testing and goal will be updated when data is available. Conference and travel. Coaching schedule summary. Released time attendance. PLC planning summary. Summary of principal walkthroughs and “good starts.” $106,000 BSEP $ 61,000 CCSS $ 44,000 T1, TII

Can’t Focus on All What are the district priorities? How should we deploy the district team? How does delegation and deployment work with stakeholders?

Can’t Focus on All Who are the stakeholders? Students, parents, DLAC, PAC, teachers, classified, principals, union, board, advocates, others What are their priorities? Prepping data or documentation Facilitating the dialogue and feedback.

Student Success All students in Riverside County will graduate from high school well prepared for college and the workforce.