County Student Advisory Council
Our Vision The strongest school communities are those that foster conversation and working relationships between students, teachers, and administrators.
Who Are We? We are students from every county high school representing WAHS, AHS, MHS, CATEC and Murray We have been operating for the last decade We have annual members who have monthly meetings at the County Office Building
We are NOT: A project group We do not fundraise for community service requests. In other words, we are an advisory based. Every student We represent a cross section of the student body. We do our best to get information from a wide variety of students but we know all 4,000 students in ACPS are a diverse group A placeholder group We aim to make a difference. We want our opinions to be valued and our voices heard.
Common Goals The School Board and the County Student Council both want to ensure a rich learning environment for all students. We would like to help you be able to make students a larger part of the decision making process in our school system.
Our Goals and Strategies We seek avenues for greater student dialogue in the Albemarle County School System. We aim to have student input on major topics such as the budget, technology, scheduling, and social climate. We strive to continually provide a forum for cross-county communication. We want to have frequent active conversation and meetings with the School Board and Central Office Staff.
Who Have We Worked With Before? Dr. Moran- Superintendent Dr. Haas Dr. Haun Ms. Jenkins Mr. Davis Ms. Anderson Ms. Gerome And community members: Mr. Barefoot-1070 WINA
Topics Explored Recently Concussion Theory Sports/Energy Drinks Fan Behavior Dance Rules Surveys CWRA Budget Technology Integration Strategic Planning Student Exchange Between High Schools to Share Ideas We Notice Building Interschool Relationships Virtual Courses
The Next Step We invite visitors to join our meetings for part of the agenda. We look forward to your participation. We would like to work together to achieve our shared goals.
How Can We Work Best With You? How could we improve ongoing communication? Would you like us as a group to attend one board meeting per semester with time set aside for discussion? Would you like us to come to you with ideas and concerns, or would you rather come to us for input on initiatives? Would you support the idea of a student liaison who would serve as a point of contact?