ESC Region XI Module Two B Studying Local Data for Region XI Fort Worth Partners All AVATAR artifacts :
Examine State, Regional, District and Post- Secondary Indicators of College Readiness and Success Data Identify District and Post-Secondary Vertical Alignment Outreach Activities Create ESC Region XI Project AVATAR Action and Sustainability Plans
ScaffoldingStudentSuccess ESC Region XI AVATAR Partners
State Indicators of Readiness and Success
What is the Purpose of Studying and Collecting Student Data Research? Reinforces the importance of using data as the basis for all AVATAR decision-making Provides opportunity for comparison of regional data and state data by Vertical Alignment Teams.
As You Examine the Data To what extent do local students progress from high school to college? Are there differences by discipline in college readiness? How does student readiness for college vary by ethnicity? What factors contribute to the gaps? What colleges do local students attend?
As You Examine the Data To what extent do local students take advantage of college readiness programs (AP/IB, dual credit, core completion)? How does developmental education influence college readiness and success locally? How do local students fare when they transfer to other institutions? How do local data compare the that of the state?
Group Discussion: Analyzing the Data Name significant patterns of readiness evidenced by advancement to next education level and lack of readiness in certain areas evidenced by individuals falling through along the regional pipeline. What other factors may be influencing the data? What are other supports to college and career readiness in the region? (ECHS, Dual Credit, Non-Profits)
State and Regional Data Sources High school data are from the Texas Education Agency, Testing and Accountability, AEIS. K-12 and higher education data are from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Data Resources and Tools. If your partner IHE is a private institution, you may need to ask for local data.
TEA State and District Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Data
TEA AEIS Data All Texas Public High Schools, Student Body: Student GroupNumber TOTAL1,329,203 Grade 9 390,370 Grade ,450 Grade ,263 Grade ,799 Graduating class 280,520 % Minimum curriculum 17.2* % Recommended curriculum 82.8* *State Comparison: Minimum 17.2% Recommended 82.8%
TEA AEIS Data All Texas Public Schools, Ethnicity of Student Body in Percentages: Ethnic GroupPercentage African American 12.9 Hispanic 50.3 White 31.2 American Indian 0.5 Asian 3.4 Pacific Islander or more races 1.6
TEA AEIS Data All Texas Public Schools, Other Descriptors of Student Body in Percentages: Demographic groupsPercentage Economically disadvantaged 59.2 Limited English Proficient (LEP) 16.9 With disciplinary placements 1.9 At risk* 46.3 Mobility ( ) n/a *At risk of dropping out of school based on performance and status indicators listed in the AEIS Glossary.
TEA AEIS Data All Texas Public High Schools, Percent Enrolled in Advanced Course/Dual Enrollment: YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More n/a
TEA AEIS Data All Texas Public High Schools, AP/IB Percentage Tested – IP PercenAP/IP Percentage Tested – tage TestedAP/IP Percentage Tested – AP/IP Percentage Tested AP/IB Percent Examinees Met or Exceeded Criteria YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More n/a YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More n/a
TEA AEIS Data All Texas Public High Schools, Texas Success Initiative, English Lang Arts, Percent Passing – IP PercenAP/IP Percentage Tested – tage TestedAP/IP Percentage Tested – AP/IP Percentage Tested Texas Success Initiative, Math, Percent Passing YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More
TEA AEIS Data All Texas Public High Schools, Percentage College Ready Graduates, Class of 2010 SubjectAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More English Math Both
District AEIS Data Examine District AEIS College Readiness Indicators Data – Advanced Course/Dual Enrollment Completion – RHSP/DAP Graduates – AP/IB Percent Tested – Texas Success Initiative, English Language Arts Mathematics – College-Ready Graduates English Language Arts Mathematics Both Subjects Identify Sharing Next Steps – Create a Chart District AEIS College Readiness Indicators Data to Share with Colleagues
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Data
P-16 Data from THECB All Texas Public High Schools, 2011 Public Higher Education First Year Grades of High School Graduates in FY 2010 These data are available by school district and high school for schools with more than 25 students. State level data are not available.
P-16 Data from THECB All Texas Public High Schools, 2011 Type of Institution of Enrollment, Class of 2011 Students%age Public 2-year institution 79, Public 4-year institution 60, Independent college or university 11, Not trackable 14, Not found124, Total290,581*100 *Includes GED recipients as well as high school graduates.
Participation Data from THECB First Time Undergraduates, 2011 Enrollment Total & by Ethnicity, Summer/Fall, ‘11 Type of Institution TotalWhiteHispanicAfrican American Multi Racial Asian/ Pacific Inter’lOther/ Unk Texas128,09547,07247,35218,4641,0658, ,996 Other state 12,627 6,668 1,450 2, , Other country 5, , Total146,62653,81849,05020,9711,2059,6896,0875,806 Female 79,08028,47321,94612, ,8572,3743,074 Male 67,54625,34527,104 8, ,8323,7132,732
Participation Data from THECB Statewide Enrollment, 2011 Enrollment Totals by Institutional Type, Fall, 2011 Type of InstitutionTotal Enrolled University 568,938 Community College 730,633 Technical College 12,353 Independent 4-year 122,624 Independent 2-year 1,066 Total 1,445,614
P-16 Data from THECB Dual Credit Enrollment by Type of Texas Public IHE, 2011 IHE Students by Prior Dual Credit Enrollment Type of enrollment after high school Students enrolled Students with core Same Public 2-year institution12, Other Public 2-year institution 5, Same public 4-year institution Other public 4-year institution24, Independent college or university 5, All on record48,
Participation Data from THECB All Texas Institutions, 2011 Developmental Education, First time Cohort Tracked for 3 years; 2008 cohort for 2-year IHEs and 2005 cohort for 4-year FTIC Students Requiring Dev. Ed. % who persisted after 3 years % who graduated 2-year institutions year institutions FTIC* Students Not Needing Dev. Ed. % who persisted after 3 years % who graduated 2-year institutions year institutions *First time in college
Student Migration Data from THECB Statewide Summary, 2011 Fall 2009 to Fall 2010 Non-graduatesN% at Same % at Other 2-yr % at Other 4-yr % not found Academic191, Technical 53, Tech-prep 30, Graduates by program N% at Same % at Other 2-yr % at Other 4-yr % not found Academic23, Technical18, Tech-Prep 9,
Academic Performance of Transfer Students from Texas Colleges, 2011 Developmental Education vs. No Developmental Education, Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Transfers Total 30,945 N< >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘11 Developmental Education prior to Transfer 16, ,161 No Develop- mental Education 14, ,000
Academic Performance of Transfer Students from Texas Colleges, 2011 Academic and Technical Associate Degree Transfers, 2010 Fall 2010 Transfers Total 30,945 N< >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘11 Earned AA degree prior to transfer 8, ,435 Earned Technical Associate prior to transfer 1,
Academic Performance of Transfer Students from Texas Colleges, 2011 Core Curriculum and Field of Study Complete, 2010 Fall 2010 Transfers Total 30,945 N< >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘11 Core curriculum complete prior to transfer 9, ,331 Field of study complete prior to transfer
Success Data from THECB 6-year graduation rate and persistence for Fall 2004 Cohort Degree-seeking fulltime and part-time undergraduates Number Fulltime Percentage Fulltime Number Part-time Percentage Part-time Earned Baccalaureate 7, , Earned AA 6, , Earned certificate 2, , Total graduating16, , Non-graduates persisting 7, ,
Success Data from THECB 6-Year Baccalaureate Graduation Rate of First-time, Full-Time Degree-seeking Students, 2005 entry AllWhite African American HispanicAsianOther Same institution Other institution Still enrolled, same inst Still enrolled, other inst Not enrolled
Postsecondary Two Year and Postsecondary Four Year Partner THECB Resume Data
Texas High School Graduates from 2010 Enrolled in Texas Public or Independent Higher Education in 2011 Examine District and Campus THECB Data Discuss Vertical Alignment Concerns Identify Next Steps
Next Steps Create AVATAR Project Action and Sustainability Plans Identify Vertical Alignment Outreach Activities beyond ESC Region XI AVATAR Project Meetings Identify ESC Region XI AVATAR Meeting Schedule – Fall 2012 (October 16, 2012 and additional meeting) – Spring 2013 (two meetings) Next Meeting – Review Post-Secondary Course Syllabi and Reference Course Profile Information
Next Steps Identify ESC Region XI AVATAR Meeting Schedule – Fall 2012 (October 16, 2012 and additional meeting) – Spring 2013 (two meetings) Next AVATAR Meeting – – Review Post-Secondary Course Syllabi and Reference Course Profile Information – Work on the AVATAR Project Action Plan Product
3-2-1 Debrief 3 new or confirmed ideas 2 ideas to share with others 1 idea that changes your daily work