DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES Testbed 2: Demonstrating Geoscience Web Services Bruce Simons & Alistair Ritchie GeoScience Victoria, Minerals & Petroleum.


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Presentation transcript:

DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES Testbed 2: Demonstrating Geoscience Web Services Bruce Simons & Alistair Ritchie GeoScience Victoria, Minerals & Petroleum

What is Testbed 2?  It demonstrates delivery of Geological Data using:  Web Feature Services (WFS)  Web Mapping Services (WMS)  Web Coverage Services (WCS)  Based on international standards (ISO, OGC)  GeoScience Mark-up Language (GeoSciML)  GeoSciML is a Geography Markup Language (GML) schema for sharing geological information

GeoScience Markup Language (GeoSciML)  Developed under IUGS Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (CGI)  November 2003 ‘in principal’ support from 15 countries  November 2004 six surveys established procedures (USA, Canada, UK, Japan, Arizona, Victoria and CSIRO)  September 2006 Testbed 2 released and endorsed by 22 surveys from 15 countries  Accepted as geological data exchange standard by all Australian jurisdictions  Proposed European INSPIRE standard for geological data  World 1:1 Million geology map ( ) Brief History

GeoScience Markup Language (GeoSciML)  Design Task Group (Bruce Simons – Chair):  Design GeoSciML as a Geography Markup Language (GML) schema for sharing geological information  Testbed Task Group (Alistair Ritchie):  Demonstrate GeoSciML using Web Feature and Web Mapping Services  Service Architecture Task Group:  Develop the formal architecture required to implement services that deliver the use cases  Content Task Group (Linda Bibby):  Design the vocabulary (content) services that meet the schema requirements Current activities

systems syntax schematic semantic GeoSciML Ontology Geoscience Community Geography Markup Language Web Feature Services, Web Mapping Services OpenGIS Community What? Responsible Community Interoperability (data systems) (data language) (data structure) (data content)

One service – many uses GML-based data can be …. Rendered into a queryable map … … formatted into a report or …. … read and used by any WFS/GML enabled application Condition: community-standard data model/encoding

Minerals Exploration Action Agenda Pre-competitive Geoscience Strategy “Governments in consultation with industry, to develop and implement nation-wide protocols, standards and systems that provide internet-based access to, and effective storage and archiving of geoscience datasets and industry- generated exploration data” Why?

GML Client Testbed 2 Data Sources WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS WMS WFS USGS schema BRGM schema GSC schema BGS schema SGU schema GA schema GeoSciML Australia Sweden UK France USA Canada

Remember:  Service not designed to work with any specific software package (eg ESRI)  Uses open community defined standards (ISO, OpenGIS)  Uses a rich scientific data model (eg GeoDATA.Vic)  Complex Feature GML 3.1  Not “traditional” flat GIS data structures  About exchange of data (not use of data)

USE CASE ONE Get Feature Information  Display map  Query one feature (a geometry)  Return attributes in GeoSciML format  Bonus - Return attributes as “pretty” HTML formatted GeoSciML







USE CASE TWO GeoSciML Data Download  Display map  Select several features  Return attributes of the selected features as GeoSciML file for download

USE CASE THREE Thematic Mapping  Reclassify map features based on  Lithology  Geological Age  Essentially produce two thematic maps

OTHER WORK Boreholes (from Testbed 1)  Developed by UK (BGS) and France (BRGM)  Delivery of Boreholes data

OTHER WORK Boreholes – BRGM Client  Display Boreholes points from WFS  Select Borehole  Display borehole attributes as:  GeoSciML/XMML  “Pretty” HTML based on GeoSciML  Graphic Log based on GeoSciML

Conclusions  Australian geological surveys have specified GeoSciML as the geoscience data exchange standard  MPD is committed to delivering this data using web services  Immediate national and international uses will be:  Global 1:1 Million geology map  Solid Earth & Environment GRID (SeeGRID)  INSPIRE  Gold Undercover ( Growing Victoria – Provincial Statement) funding development of services and infrastructure