Here are some questions we made up: 1.When was the first cat born? 2. Where was the first cat born? 3. Were cats wild before they became pets? 4. How come cats sleep so much? 5. Who was the first person to adopt a cat? 6. what are the different types of meows the cat makes. 7. Why do cats clean the fur so much? 8.What did cats tend to eat before cat food was invented? 9.When did people discover about cats? 10.Why do cats not like water?
1.The first cat adopted was born in ancient egypt. 2.The first cat adopted was an absynnian. 3.Yes they were most cats were wild before they became pets. 4.Nobody is sure why cats sleep so much. Cats evolved from a long line of hunters and predators – and their sleep patterns reflect that. 5. The early people from ancient egypt were the first people to have cats as pets. 6.Demanding, tired angry, sad 7.Cats clean there fur so much because they go outside and get dirty and it is also there everyday bath. 8.Rodents, fish, birds and cats also used to catch bugs. 9.15, it seems that not all cats hate water. In fact, some cats love water. notes that cat species native to hot areas seem to enjoy water, whereas cat species from cold areas aren't so fond of the wet stuff. Tigers, lions, jaguars, ocelots, and jaguarundi are all from hot savannas, and they enjoy taking dips in cool, refreshing streams and ponds whenever they get the chance.
We recorded Laura playing a music piece on the keyboard. Here it is: CLICK HERECLICK HERE
Laura and I made a bar graph by going round the class and asking what their favourite type of cats were. Here it is:
Cat food Laura and I made a list of all the different cat foods that healthy. Here is a link to it: cat- foods.doccat- foods.doc
Powerpoint We made an A-Z powerpoint on cats here is a link to it: laura- and-me-topic.pptlaura- and-me-topic.ppt
We have used audacity to record either Laura or Kate saying different words to do with cats in Maori Click on the links to hear them SLEEP CLIMB CAT FUR PET TAIL TEETH
Spelling contract This is the spelling contract that we did on cats: list1.doc list1.doc
Facts 1.The cat was deified in ancient egypt and also used for the protection of the granaries and for wildfowling. 2.A cats skeloton consists of approximately 244 bones with discs between vertebrae as shock-absorbers 3.Longhaired or persian cats as well as most of the shorthaired breeds have large round lustrous eyes 4.Oriental cats have long almost russian noses with no “break” at eye level and a flat forehead.
5. Tabbies are found in a wide variety of colours including brown,blue,chocolate, brown patched,blue pathced,red and silver 6. Cats with the Himalayan coat pattern such as the siamese have pale coats with the main colour restricted to the head and extremities. 7. There are four varieties of tabby patterns, ticked, mackeral, spotted and classic, which can be found in any of the tabby colours. 8. Abyssinian cats have coats that are gently shaded, because each hair is lighter at the root and darker at the tip 9. Pedigree tabby cats have always caused controversy over their standards of points throughout the cat world
10. Blue-Cream colouring is the Dilute equivalent of tortoise shell. 11. A sad thing of keeping a cat is that it may catch a bird or a rodent. The hunting instinct of domestic cats remain strong, but the can have problems killing their quarry. 12. The mother cat constantly grooms her kittens washing them all over by licking them with her rough tounge