Sammy C.J. Happy Feet Tuxo Troy Flappers Shell (Jr’s mom) Kelly African Penguins Zoey Fun Facts: African penguins live on the southern African beach They eat fish, krill, and squid. These penguins love to swim. They hold there breath and swim for about 2.5 min. Also know as the “Black Footed penguin”. Jr Biome: South African Beach African penguin footprint
Jaguars Buddy Sophia Max Twins Pounce(left) and Lucie(right) Fun Facts: Jaguars are the largest cats in the Americans. The Jaguars jaw is so strong it can bite though a turtle shell. They are the third biggest cat in the world. A Jaguar's bite is twice as strong as a lions bite! The word "jaguar" comes from the Native American word "yaguar", which means "he who kills with one leap." Biome(s): Rainforest, swamp, pampas grassland, and deciduous forest. Jaguar paw print
Blizzard Polar Bear Paula Fun Facts: They are very strong swimmers They live in the coldest part of the Earth. Polar bears have thick fur to keep them warm. These bears even grow fur on the bottom of its paws! A baby (cub) stays with its mom for 2 years until it can hunt on its own. Biome: Antarctic (Polar bear paw print.)
Alligators Swamp Chomp Fun Facts: These alligators live in fresh water. Ext: Swamp, slow river… They can tolerate salt water for only short periods of time because they do not have salt glands. There front legs have 5 toes, back legs have 4 toes. Alligators can not move there tongues. An alligator’s jaw muscle for closing its mouth is very strong but its muscle for opening its mouth is very weak. Fun Facts: These alligators live in fresh water. Ext: Swamp, slow river… They can tolerate salt water for only short periods of time because they do not have salt glands. There front legs have 5 toes, back legs have 4 toes. Alligators can not move there tongues. An alligator’s jaw muscle for closing its mouth is very strong but its muscle for opening its mouth is very weak. Biome: Swamp, rivers, marshes, and lakes Biome: Swamp, rivers, marshes, and lakes
Bald Eagles Baldwin Heather Mike Biome: Taiga, deciduous forest Fun Facts: Female Bald Eagles are larger then the males. Bald Eagles eat mostly fish but they eat small mammals too. They have about 7,000 feathers! Wing span is 6 to 8 feet from tip to tip. Eagles gave sharp talons to help them catch food.
Falcon Lady Biome: Taiga, deciduous forest, tundra, desert Fun Facts: Females are more powerful and bigger than males. Falcons live on every continent other then Antarctica. They eat mostly smaller birds, they don’t normally eat small mammals or insects. Wing span is 3 ½ feet. These Falcons main way of caching food is an air atack. Fun Facts: Females are more powerful and bigger than males. Falcons live on every continent other then Antarctica. They eat mostly smaller birds, they don’t normally eat small mammals or insects. Wing span is 3 ½ feet. These Falcons main way of caching food is an air atack.
Jackie Ty African Lions Biome: African Savannah Fun Facts: Lions are the 2 nd largest cat. The Female do the hunting. Lions generally go after the hurt or young when they hunt. They Live in groups called prides In the wild the lifespan of lions is approximately 15 years.
California Sea lions Sam George
African Zebra Maxwell Mia
OscarWaldo ChampCrystal Orangutans
African Elephants Debbie Katherine
Boa Sling Hoppers Spike Sweet Pea Blaze Mica Buddy Croak Poison Dart Frogs
Saundra Bobby Kim Koala Kay Tim Ruth
Jackie Dawn AJ Hip Squeak Pip Clair Sunny Maximus Dart
Bam Lizzie Giant Pandas
Sleepy Grumpy Hungary Dopey Silly Happy Flappy Smiley Joyous Snow white Bats