Interview Process
What is an Interview? ●final exam or a talent competition. ●Some college students call interviews “civilized torture.” ●a crucial step in your job search. ●gives you an opportunity to display your intelligence, talent, and enthusiasm. ●company has to make a first hand evaluation of a prospective employee.
Successful Interview ●The suggestions for a successful interview are the same whether you interview for a full-time or part-time job ●make the difference between receiving and not receiving a job offer.
Interview Tips 1.Gather enough accurate information about the job to help you make a decision about it. 2.Tell the interviewer what you are like, what qualifications you have, and that you are interested in the job. 3.Introduce yourself to the receptionist. State your name, why you are there, and who you want to see. 4.Use good eye contact and speak loudly and clearly. Maintain good posture. 5.Take with you a list of important facts about the company and a list of questions you would like answered. 6.Ask when a decision on the job will be made if the interviewer has not told you. 7.Thank the interviewer and express a positive interest in the job. 8. Send a brief letter to the interviewer thanking him or her for the chance to meet and discuss the job opening.
After the Interview ●think about how you handled the interview and what went right or wrong during the interviewer. ●Make a list of DOs and DON’Ts that may be helpful to you in another interview.
Interview Do’s 1.Dress appropriately 2.Know exact time and location of your interview 3.Arrive early (at least 10 minutes) 4.Smile 5.Remain calm and relaxed 6.Show enthusiasm 7.Offer a firm handshake 8.Make EYE CONTACT 9.Address interviewer by title and last name (Mr. Jones or Dr. Green, etc.)
Interview Do’s 1.Sit still in your seat; avoid fidgeting 2.Do not cross legs 3.Ask for clarification if you do not understand a question 4.Be honest 5.Be yourself 6.Treat the interview seriously 7.Exhibit a POSITIVE ATTITUDE 8.Remember the names of people you meet 9.At the end of the interview, offer a firm handshake and thank the interviewer 10.Send a thank-you letter (typed) and send to the interviewer
Interview Don’ts 1.Don’t make negative comments about previous employers or teachers 2.Don’t falsify application materials 3.Don’t falsify answers to interview questions 4.Don’t treat the interview casually 5.Don’t give the impression that you are only interested in salary 1.Don’t be unprepared for typical interview questions 2.Don’t slouch 3.Don’t sit rigidly on the edge of your chair 4.Don’t chew gum or smell like smoke 5.Don’t take a cell phone or pager in during an interview 6.Don’t bring friends or family members to an interview
Dressing for an Interview Women: 1.Keep make-up light and natural 2.Wear conservative clothing (dress or suit) 3.Avoid open toe, sling back shoes (no sandals) 4.Wear nude or tan hose 5.Hair should be kept neatly clean; no extreme hairstyles or color 6.Be conservative in jewelry 7.Do not overdo on the perfume 8.Do not wear tight clothing 9.Do not wear skirts or dresses with long slits 10.Do not wear midriffs, halters, or tank tops 11.Do not wear pants that drag on the floor 12.No visible body piercing
Dressing for an Interview Men: 1.Wear a suit (dark) 2.Teens: nice slacks, shirt and tie; khakis 3.Conservative tie 4.Over the calf socks that match outfit; no white socks 5.Conservative haircuts 6.Clean shaven 7.Do not wear muscle shirts, baggy pants, or caps 8.No visible body piercing
Interview Questions 1.Tell me about yourself. 2.Do you have any actual work experience? 3.Are you a team player? 4.Why should I hire you? 5.What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now? 6.What is your greatest strength? 7.What is your greatest weakness? 8.If I were to ask one of your teachers to describe you, what would he or she say? 9.How has your education prepared you for this position? 10.What were y our favorite classes and why? 11.Do you have any plans for further education? 12.What do you know about this company? 13.Do you have any questions for me? **Elaborate on your answers; do not give just yes and no answers