The our father How this prayer is relevant today and why it’s meaning is important?
Our father Meaning: god is our father Why it is relevant today:it is relevant today because he is still our god. We use this because it what the prayer is about how good he is and its also respectful and every one knows who he is.
Who art in heaven Meaning: that I think he lives in heaven and he’s the creator of heaven meaning art How is it relevant today:This is relevant today because of the fact that we know that heaven is gods kingdom.
Hallowed be your name Meaning: Hallowed means holly which god is and I think of it as meaning one of the 10 commandments when it said don’t use the lords name in vain. How is this relevant today:this is relevant today because many people treat gods name with very little respect and this reminds us that we should always respect his name.
Thy kingdom come Meaning: Meaning heaven is there and we will all end up there so we should respect it. Why is this relevant today: this is relevant today because not many people believe in heaven people have many beliefs about where you go when you die and this is one of them it reminds us that its there.
Your will be done Meaning: Meaning message will be lived people will do good with the lives your son saved from sins. Why its relevant today: This is relevant because many people don’t do the write thing and live by gods message.
On earth as it is in heaven Meaning: Your message will be lived on earth as it is in heaven meaning that only the good make it to heaven and so only the good go to heaven. Why is this relevant today: This is relevant today so people might have the common sense to change there lives so they can go to heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread Meaning: go to church to receive the body of christ. Give us this day to live (daily bread is the body of Christ)so give us the body of Christ could also mean do good during every day and treasure it. Why is this relevant today: this is relavent today because not many people treasure the day that they live its like that saying live everyday as if its your last because it might be.
And forgive our trespasses Meaning: God forgive us for our mistakes (sins). Why is this relevant today: This is relevant today so we make it to heaven and its important that we get forgiveness because many people sin and that’s why we have confessions.
As we forgive those who trespass against us Meaning: This is relevant today so we make it to heaven and its important that we get forgiveness because many people sin and that’s why we have confessions. Why is this relevant today: this is relevant today because people find it hard to forgive others.
And lead us not into temptation Meaning:And lead us not into doing or wanting something bad or wrong Why is this relevant today:this is relevant today because many people want things and might not know that what they what is bad.
But deliver us from evil Meaning:But don’t give us to evil meaning that we shouldn’t get stuck in bad things which again most people today do. Why is this relevant today: because many people do bad things.
Amen Meaning: the meaning is “so be it” Why is this relevant today:Amen is relevant today for the same reason it’s been for years that its respectful and its how you finish any prayer.