Campus networks preparing for BIGDATA Erik Deumens Research Computing UFIT 10/29/2012
Speakers: ◦ Elias Eldayrie, VP & CIO Welcome ◦ Chris Griffin, UF & FLR network architect Advancements in networking at the University of Florida and Florida LambdaRail in support of BIGDATA ◦ Xiaolin “Andy” Li, Prof. ECE, PI of MRI grant GatorCloud: Enabling High-Impact Scientific Research and Collaboration via Software Defined Networks and Cloud Services ◦ Looking at other campuses Panel discussion Challenges in BIGDATA Management Agenda: Moving BIGDATA
Proxy speakers ◦ Jim Bottum, VP & CIO, and ◦ Kuang-Ching Wang, Prof. Electrical and Computer Engineering Clemson ◦ Tracy Futhey, VP & CIO Duke ◦ Ron Hutchins, Assoc. VP & CTO Georgia Tech ◦ Mark Miyasaki, Exec. Dir. Communications Stanford Agenda: Other campuses
Modern science ◦ Is too complex for any single PI lab ◦ requires collaboration Scientists and research groups in different labs Different disciplines Biology – math – comp. sci. – stats Physics – chemistry – biology Researchers and infrastructure builders Scientists – network engineers – storage engineers Collaboration is key
The institution/organization that figures out how to enable collaboration will lead in innovation and discovery
20 Gbps backbone 20 Gbps research network “CRN” “Science DMZ” Enterprise computing ◦ CNS, AHC, Shands ◦ Colleges, departments, institutes Leaning Computing ◦ UFIT Academic Technology, colleges, departments Research Computing ◦ UFIT Research Computing, colleges, departments UF Cyberinfrastructure 30,000 ft
Internet2 Innovation Platform ◦ 100 Gbps to FLR/Internet2 & 120 Gbps for CRN ◦ Software Defined Networks & OpenFlow at UF MRI GatorCloud grant OpenFlow capable switches NSF GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovation) NSF DYNES (Dynamic Network System) UF Data Center ◦ Opens Feb ,000 sq. ft. & 1.75 MW ◦ Add Research Computing capability and capacity New things coming