Who Were Pirates? Scum of society, today’s gangsters Originally honest sailors, pirating more $ and excitement Pirates who attacked ships often gave crews a choice of death, stranding, or join them Some pirates were privateers– cheap navy for countries
Pirate Ships Most were stolen, few built to be pirate ships Decks leveled for fighting, more cannons Fast with skilled crews Famous ones: Sudden Death, Flying Dragon, Fortune, Sea King, Flying Dutchman
Life as a Pirate Captain often elected by crew, often re- elected due to intimidation, always risk of mutiny Captain had own cabin, crew slept on deck or below Life could be exciting at times, mostly hard and uncomfortable Quartermaster– in charge of all stolen goods, supplies, rum Sailing master- in charge of navigation
Discipline with a whip, arguments decided by 1 st blood Why eye patches? Walking plank didn’t happen, often marooned or just tossed into ocean Flags used to frighten and deceive, pirates avoided fights if possible
Famous Pirates Blackbeard– Edward Teach, sailed from the Carolinas to Florida, home on Ocracroke 6’6, muscular, long black beard with incense, dreadlocks, tan, married 14 times Ship was the Queen Anne’s Revenge
2 straps across chest, 6 pistols and 6 daggers Beat up crew, games to intimidate Wounded 25 times, head cut off, legend says his body swam around boat 7 times
Anne Bonny and Mary Read– female pirates, dressed like men Calico Jack– colorful colors, love triangle Henry Morgan– Caribbean, army of pirates Bartholomew Roberts- Black Bart, didn’t drink, prayer, plundered 400 ships Stede Bonnett- rich before, bored with life, incompetent pirate