C&M SPACE INVESTMENT Registration Number: 2005/149595/23 hereinafter referred to as (“C & M”) presentation to THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOY 03 JUNE 2008, PARLIAMENT, CAPE TOWN
INTRODUCTION Established in 2005 by Siyabonga Copiso & Mzukisi Mazula Main objectives are to; – build the first Black-owned and Managed Company in South African space industry – Participate in Satellite Manufacturing activities and – Promote Satellite-based solutions for the socio-economic challenges of the African continent – Encourage participation of SMMEs and Youth in Space, especially those in previously disadvantaged communities – Motivate and be a role model for the Youth of South Africa
C&M CHAIRMAN Head: Government Relations (SUNSPACE) A former MATHS John’s College, MTATA Bsc(ED),WSUT & Post Grad Diploma in Sat. Eng, SU & Diploma in Management Studies DOC Employee for more than 5yrs 5YRS- ITU Experience Attended ICT/Space related courses in US(USTTI), Australia, UK & Canada
C&M CEO Head: Government Programmes(SUNSPACE) A former MATHS John’s College, MTATA Bsc(ED), WSUT & Masters in Engineering Science, SU Sentech PTY(LTD) Employee, National Signal Distributor for 3yrs PROJECT MANAGER for SUMBANDILA-sat based in SU
C&M’s CONTRIBUTION TO THE SPACE INDUSTRY Founder and a facilitator of (25+1 %) BEE transaction with Sunspace Project Management of South Africa’s “second” satellite SUMBANDILA-sat Introduced and conceptualized the second payload for SUMBANDILA-sat i.e.“Communications Payload” Participated in the management and facilitation of Internships and HCD in different Universities in the country
C&M’s CONTRIBUTION CONT’ Initiated the GEO Stationery Satellite Feasibility Study for South Africa Initiated Satellite related R&D activities
SUMBANDILA Mission Objectives 1.The development and growth of people and institutions 2.Providing satellite data for applications addressing the needs of society 3.Understanding the modalities of a small satellite program in order to inform the space policy process in South Africa
Micro-Satellite kg Small Satellite 180kg – 500kg
Building a Satellite Sensor System Satellite Bus Applications Human Resource Development Launch Control and Ground Operations
System Block Diagram
Development of Human Resources for ZA-002 Schools program – More provinces and link some of the experiments directly to space Post graduate satellite engineering – * A steady state team of 18 students p..a (16 M.Eng and 2 Phd) plus a post-doc position – * Student output not on critical path and only used if of sufficient quality * Industry experience – Intership program with Satellite Development Toolkit for 5 to 8 people per annum
Project Schedule
WHY SPACE AGENCY FOR SA? The Space Agency will have a role of consolidating all Government and industry efforts around space to make 1 VISION SANSA to build operational satellites for Earth observation, Communication, etc. SA Space Missions Promote sustainable economic development through, SMMEs development and capacity building programmes To position South Africa as a leader in the African Space race, without promoting duplication of activities but rather looking at partnerships which prove to be mutually beneficial, in astronomy, science or military missions. SANSA ‘s dedicated Bill will provide recognition for the space capabilities that have been developed over the decades for SA (Dedicated Bill = Dedicated Budget)
SPECIFIC COMMENTS ON THE SPACE BILL 1.In Section 3(b), This clause should include “creation and development of SMMEs” and should read as follows; support the creation and development of SMMEs and an environment conducive to industrial development in space technologies; 2. In Section 4.2(b), the word “dispose” needs some definition in the form of footnote or in Section 1 of this Bill. It is in the interests of C&M and the country that space related facilities, technology or institutions be given a second chance or an alternative. C&M suggest the development of a policy that will guide the disposal of any space related property. 3. In Section 4.2(c) C&M suggests that it(the Agency) be not be limited to borrowing but other financial arrangements like PPP be allowed to the Agency.
RECOMMENDATION 1 Role of ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS – SANSA build its capabilities around capable Universities and technikons – This approach will help build reliable skills and advance R&D&I capabilities – The Intellectual Property (IP) of SANSA will be protected, innovated and taken from one generation to the next
RECOMMENDATION 2 Role of Industry – Strengthen SANSA’s vision and participation in space activities – Build operational systems using indigenous technology. – Provide opportunities for employment and contribution to GDP. – Build an export market and leadership in technology
RECOMMENDATION 3 Role of Portfolio Committee; “ To provide oversight role in the activities of Government/Ministry of Science & Technology” “To provide support for ADEQUATE FUNDING for THE AGENCY”
Conclusion The industry has established a critical mass of micro-satellite engineering capability and its growing National Space Audit performed by the DST SANSA will have to come up with a Space programme that will unlock the FULL potential of this industry We are positive about the Future