October 28, Microstructure of creep-exposed single crystal nickel base superalloy CSMX4 This research project has been supported by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme through the Key Action: Strengthening the European Research Area, Research Infrastructures. Contract n°: RII3-CT (NMI3). 1 Nuclear Physics Institute Řež near Prague, Czech Republic 2 Research Center Řež, CZ Řež near Prague, Czech Republic 3 Technical University of Košice, Dept. of Materials Science, Slovakia 4 Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, Berlin, Germany 5 Technical University Berlin,10623 Berlin, Germany 6 Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, PSI & ETH Zürich, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland P. Strunz 1,2, J. Zrn í k 3, A. Epishin 4, T. Link 5, S. Balog 6
October 28, Nuclear Physics Institute Řež near Prague, Czech Republic 2 Research Center Řež, CZ Řež near Prague, Czech Republic 3 Technical University of Košice, Dept. of Materials Science, Slovakia 4 Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, Berlin, Germany 5 Technical University Berlin,10623 Berlin, Germany 6 Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, PSI & ETH Zürich, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland P. Strunz 1,2, J. Zrn í k 3, A. Epishin 4, T. Link 5, S. Balog 6
October 28, Microstructure of creep-exposed single crystal nickel base superalloy CSMX4 This research project has been supported by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme through the Key Action: Strengthening the European Research Area, Research Infrastructures. Contract n°: RII3-CT (NMI3).
October 28, Components in gas turbines fabricated of Ni base superalloys operate under complex creep and fatigue conditions. Main structural changes during exposure: morphology change - rafting of γ’ precipitates in γ matrix. Residual lifetime estimation: need to evaluate reliably the progress of γ’ degradation in dependence on exposure … … and relate these changes to the magnitude of stress Information can be obtained form the analysis of geometrical parameters of the γ’ microstructure and γ/ γ’ misfit [1,2]. Bulk sensitive SANS: detection of morphological changes in γ’ phase due to the operation condition [3]. Components in gas turbines fabricated of Ni base superalloys operate under complex creep and fatigue conditions. Main structural changes during exposure: morphology change - rafting of γ’ precipitates in γ matrix. Residual lifetime estimation: need to evaluate reliably the progress of γ’ degradation in dependence on exposure … … and relate these changes to the magnitude of stress Information can be obtained form the analysis of geometrical parameters of the γ’ microstructure and γ/ γ’ misfit [1,2]. Bulk sensitive SANS: detection of morphological changes in γ’ phase due to the operation condition [3]. Ni-superalloys - rafting
October 28, CMSX4 single crystal samples SANS study (PSI Villigen, SANS-II) of γ’- morphology continuous change of applied stress ensured by preparing the creep sample in the form of a cone Relation of microstructural changes to the applied stress CMSX4 single crystal samples SANS study (PSI Villigen, SANS-II) of γ’- morphology continuous change of applied stress ensured by preparing the creep sample in the form of a cone Relation of microstructural changes to the applied stress Experimental Aim of the SANS experiment to evaluate the morphological changes of γ’ in creep exposed CMSX4 samples and relate them to the applied stress to test a novel, cost effective method of preparation of sample material exposed to various stress levels to evaluate the morphological changes of γ’ in creep exposed CMSX4 samples and relate them to the applied stress to test a novel, cost effective method of preparation of sample material exposed to various stress levels
October 28, Conic CMSX4, spatial scan SANS-II, SINQ, PSI Villigen, CH optimum 2D fit and sections through the 3D model Assumption: volume fraction constant ( <= the same temperature at all locations) optimum 2D fit and sections through the 3D model Assumption: volume fraction constant ( <= the same temperature at all locations) oriented (ω-scan, tilt): parallel to the beam nearly vertical oriented (ω-scan, tilt): parallel to the beam nearly vertical
October 28, SEM - γ’ morphology changes Advanced rafting Small diameter end centre Large diameter end for the lowest stress, still partially unrafted
October 28, Stress along the sample axis CMSX4 T=1100°C t=100h σ min =35MPa σ max =135MPa CMSX4 T=1100°C t=100h σ min =35MPa σ max =135MPa
October 28, precipitate size and distance, specific surface Even for lowest stress: advanced rafting Evolution of rafts with stress level clearly observable from the parameters obtained from SANS curves Even for lowest stress: advanced rafting Evolution of rafts with stress level clearly observable from the parameters obtained from SANS curves SANS results
October 28, A different extent of γ'-precipitates rafting was observed for variously exposed positions inside the sample The tendency corresponds to the expected evolution: the larger stress, the more advanced rafting process. Qualitatively, the 2D scattering curves confirmed the results of the electron microscopy performed on the samples from the same bar The detailed evaluation of the data brought a series of morphological parameters in dependence on the applied stress. The use of conic sample and spatial scan facilitates determination of microstructure evolution in dependence on exposure parameters A different extent of γ'-precipitates rafting was observed for variously exposed positions inside the sample The tendency corresponds to the expected evolution: the larger stress, the more advanced rafting process. Qualitatively, the 2D scattering curves confirmed the results of the electron microscopy performed on the samples from the same bar The detailed evaluation of the data brought a series of morphological parameters in dependence on the applied stress. The use of conic sample and spatial scan facilitates determination of microstructure evolution in dependence on exposure parameters Summary
October 28, [1] H. Mughrabi, H. Biermann, T. Ungar: Superalloys 1992, TMS, Warrendale, PA, 599 [2] T. Link, A. Epishin, U. Brickner, P.D. Portella: Acta Mater. 8, 2000, [3] J. Zrnik, P. Strunz, P. Hornak, V. Vrchovinsky, A. Wiedenmann: Applied Physics A 74,(2002] [4] D.K. Morris, J.B. Wahl: Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. Advanced materials for 21st Century Turbines and Power Plants, Eds. A. Strange et all, 2000, 832. [1] H. Mughrabi, H. Biermann, T. Ungar: Superalloys 1992, TMS, Warrendale, PA, 599 [2] T. Link, A. Epishin, U. Brickner, P.D. Portella: Acta Mater. 8, 2000, [3] J. Zrnik, P. Strunz, P. Hornak, V. Vrchovinsky, A. Wiedenmann: Applied Physics A 74,(2002] [4] D.K. Morris, J.B. Wahl: Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. Advanced materials for 21st Century Turbines and Power Plants, Eds. A. Strange et all, 2000, 832. References