Mapping Hydrothermal systems on MARS
Presentation Overview Hyperspectral Mapping Project BackgroundHyperspectral Mapping Project Background Signs of early life – Pilbara, WASigns of early life – Pilbara, WA SWIR Mapping of a Stromatolite horizonSWIR Mapping of a Stromatolite horizon Relevance to MarsRelevance to Mars –Latest results with the Mini TES instrument
Who am I? Adrian BrownAdrian Brown PhD student at the Australian Centre for Astrobiology (ACA), Macquarie UniversityPhD student at the Australian Centre for Astrobiology (ACA), Macquarie University Supervisors are Prof. Malcolm Walter, Director of the ACA, and Dr. Tom Cudahy, CSIROSupervisors are Prof. Malcolm Walter, Director of the ACA, and Dr. Tom Cudahy, CSIRO Thesis topic – Mapping Ancient Hydrothermal Systems on Earth and MarsThesis topic – Mapping Ancient Hydrothermal Systems on Earth and Mars
Hyperspectral mapping project
Signs of early life – Pilbara, WA ACA scientists are investigating the ancient Pilbara region of northern Western AustraliaACA scientists are investigating the ancient Pilbara region of northern Western Australia 3.5 billion years old3.5 billion years old Contains first signs of life on Earth in the form of stromatolitesContains first signs of life on Earth in the form of stromatolites Could be a good analogue for MarsCould be a good analogue for Mars
North Pole Dome
SWIR Mapping of Stromatolite Outcrop Aims:Aims: –Can we remotely detect and identify hydrothermal alteration minerals in a site of astrobiological interest? –Can we put stromatolite occurrences in mineralogical context using SWIR mapping? –Can rovers automatically identify minerals for us? –Is this technique of use on Mars?
SWIR Spectrometry A spectrometer splits up light into different coloursA spectrometer splits up light into different colours By graphing colour intensities we can record a characteristic spectral response of rocksBy graphing colour intensities we can record a characteristic spectral response of rocks Rock Sample Sun Diffractometer Collector Infrared Red Yellow Blue Ultraviolet
Tools of the trade PIMAPIMA GPS enabled Pocket PCGPS enabled Pocket PC
Geological Mapping
Typical Spectra
Geological Mapping
Mars Exploration Rovers (MER)
MER Instruments APXS – alpha particle x- ray spectrometer Mossbauer – fe spectrometer MI – microscope imager RAT – rock abrasion tool PANCAM – panoramic camera Mini TES – thermal emission spectrometer Magnetic Arrays
Thermal IR Maps on Mars
Silicates Carbonates CO 2
Australian contribution to a Mars mission?