the Safe and Together™ model: A perpetrator pattern, child centered, survivor strength based approach to the intersection of domestic violence and child maltreatment
Goals To introduce a perpetrator pattern-based framework To introduce the Safe and Together principles and critical components To introduce how to use the Safe and Together model to enhance individual practice
Perpetrator Pattern Based Definition of Domestic Violence Looks at the perpetrator’s behavior, not the relationship, as the source of the domestic violence Highlights the choice(s) to be violent, abusive and controlling Beyond current relationship o Child safety and well is not automatically resolved by ending of the relationship or change in the living arrangement o Risk and safety assessment needs to include perpetrator’s behavior in other relationships, other settings More than adult on adult behavior o Includes the direct and indirect involvement of children in the pattern of behavior o Requires conscious look at gender based expectations about parenting (c) 2013 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission
Domestic violence perpetrators, in the context of the child welfare system, are parents and/or caregivers who engage in a pattern of coercive control against one or more intimate partners. This pattern of behavior may continue after the end of a relationship, or when the couple no longer lives together. The perpetrator’s actions often directly involve, target and impact any children in the family. (c) 2013 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission
Perpetrator Pattern Based Child Centered Survivor Strengths Child centered approach to domestic violence Fact based Gender responsive Strengths based Integrative & Inter- disciplinary “Beyond Services” “Removal is an option of last resort” approach (c) 2013 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission
Safe and Together™ Principles (c) 2013 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission Keeping child Safe and Together™ with non-offending parent Safety Healing from trauma Stability and nurturance Partnering with non-offending parent as default position Efficient Effective Child-centered Intervening with perpetrator to reduce risk and harm to child Engagement Accountability Courts
Safe and Together™ Critical Components Perpetrator’s pattern of coercive control Actions taken by the perpetrator to harm the child Full spectrum of the non-offending parent’s efforts to promote the safety and well being of the child Adverse impact of the perpetrator’s behavior on the child Role of substance abuse, mental health, culture and other socio- economic factors (c) 2013 David Mandel Associates LLC Do not reproduce or distribute without permission