Borders Tactical Response PC Gillian Oliver; Drug Awareness Officer Susan Walker; ADP Development Officer
Role of Alcohol & Drug Partnership’s? Provides strategic direction to reduce impact of problematic drug and alcohol use Multi-agency representation Accountable to Scottish Government and Borders Strategic Board via CHCP Develop and implement evidence based drug & alcohol strategies Ring-fenced funding to ADP Ensure any investment is focussed on achieving agreed outcomes
Role of Safer Communities Team Co-located Team Strategic Assessment 2012 Alcohol & Drug Misuse Gender Based Violence Antisocial Behaviour Injury Prevention (Home/Road)
Governance Structures Pathfinder Board Safer Communities Team Partnership Tasking & Coordinating Group Working Groups: ADTAC Task Groups: Managing Drug Related Litter
ADTAC Police Safer Communities Team SBC Licensing Department Drug & Alcohol Services Trading Standards ADP Support Team Image courtesy of jscreationzs,
Role & Remit Strengthen links between wide range of agencies to coordinate and deliver early intervention and prevention activities Monitoring new drugs and emerging trends Ensure frontline services have information on drugs and alcohol to encourage signposting
Festive Campaign 2011 First awareness campaign of new drugs (Posters) On-licensed premises targeted Public Health Objective CBOs visits to Licensed Premises
1. Don’t mix with alcohol 2. Just because legal – doesn’t mean safe 3. Support Services available QR Codes: Tips on how to party safer 56 hits to website within 14 days Poster
Screen shot of Crew site
Training for Specialist Services 2 x one day New Drugs & Emerging Trends Training Effectively respond to, treat and engage with people using these emerging substances Prior to training 94% of participants rated their knowledge poor/fair After training 97% of participants rated their knowledge good/excellent
Training for Trainers 4 trainers from statutory and voluntary sector Identify organisations and teams to cascade new drugs training 30 Inputs including: SAS Fire Service Registered Social Landlords Residential Children's Unit Emergency Department Red Cross Mental Health Teachers Image courtesy of renjith krishnan,
Police Prevention Funding Success in sourcing additional funding Seminar Road shows/Community awareness events Media campaign to advertise events Resources
Drug Trend Forum Monitor trends, scales and patterns of new drugs Confidentiality Two way communication Members responsibility to disseminate information appropriately Quick access to information at the hit of a button
Monitoring new drugs and trends DTMG SASBGH PoliceMental Health Public Health Drug/ Alcohol Services Prisons Trading Standards Fire ServiceBECS Service Users YP Services SCEA/Crew Pharmacists ED Image courtesy of sheelamohan,
Where next…….? “Coming together is a beginning, Staying together is progress, but working together is success” Henry Ford Image courtesy of ddpavumba,
Questions PC Gillian Oliver: Susan Walker: