How to join Finnair Corporate Programme
Select your country Choose Corporate Click Joining
STEP 1 Company Information Contact person´s information
STEP 2 Date of joining Beginning of this month or beginning of next month
STEP 3 Travel Agency information
STEP 4 Methods of Payment
STEP 5 Confirmation Additional information
Letters of confirmation To the company
-----Original Message----- From: Corporate Programme Sent:Tuesday, October 09, :57 PM Subject:Welcome to Finnair Corporate Programme Thank you for joining the Finnair Corporate Programme. This confirms the agreement between Export and import Ltd. and Finnair Plc Your company customer number is PK3312UK This customer number must always be entered in a flight reservation, so that purchases are entered automatically into the agreement reporting. All tickets that are purchased at are automatically reported Please remember to forward the customer number to your travel agency Your username and password for the Finnair Corporate Programme website are: - Username fcp Password PP For security reasons, please change the password after first login by going to your own profile information pages Your company’s specific fare at our Internet ticket office is called ”Corporate fare”. You can find the fare and ticket rules by clicking the fare name in the Internet ticket office when making a booking and purchasing a ticket Your company’s corporate fare is also available in the travel agency you had defined in the application form For help in technical matters, please contact the Finnair eBusiness Help Desk
Letter of confirmation To the Travel Agency Includes ticketing instructions
-----Original Message----- From: Corporate Programme Sent:Tuesday, October 09, :56 PM Subject:Finnair Corporate Programme customer information Our customer Export and Import Ltd.. has made a Finnair Corporate Programme agreement and informed us that they will be using your travel agency when making bookings and buying flight tickets (IATA nbr 98765). Company's client code for reporting is PK3312UK. Company's corporate number for customer specific pricing is U Please familiarize yourself with the attached Ticketing instructions. With kind regards, Finnair Plc
TICKETING INSTRUCTIONS FOR FINNAIR CORPORATE AGREEMENT 1. Fare Rules All fare rules can be found in Amadeus. Example: FQD HELSTO/R, U FQN + row number (U is the company’s corporate number) Galileo example: FD MILHEL21DEC/AY-PRI-Corp.nbr:P =>rules FN*+row number 2. Pricing Pricing through FXP: FXP/R, U IT code will be printed onto the ticket, ITAYCORP NOTE: As Finnair’s published fares change, the corporate fare levels loaded in CRSs will change accordingly. The discount percentage vs. the published fare levels remains fixed. 3. Client Code The Company Client code must always be inserted into the booking. The client code is inserted in Amadeus: OS AY CMP PK +nbrXX (XX=country ending eg. DK, FI) =OS Amadeus code (Other Service Information) 2=AY (compulsory) 3=CMP (Company, compulsory) tells the system that the company code will follow. 4=Eight characters long Company specific client code: ABC=company/three letters, 001= company unit number/three numbers, XX=country code/two letters. The client code is inserted in CRSs other than Amadeus: GalileoSI.AY*CMP client code SABRE OSI AY CMP client code Abacus3OSI AY CMP client code Worldspan3OSI AY CMP client code Apollo =:3OSI AY CMP client code INFINI4OSI AY CMP client code