Key outcomes of the APAM-AVSEC, Tokyo, 2010 & Recent efforts in the Asia-Pacific region : Masatomo KIHARA: JAPAN: 33rd APEC Transportation Working Group.


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Presentation transcript:

Key outcomes of the APAM-AVSEC, Tokyo, 2010 & Recent efforts in the Asia-Pacific region : Masatomo KIHARA: JAPAN: 33rd APEC Transportation Working Group Tokyo, Japan October

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Dec An attempted terrorist attack on the Northwest Airlines flight 253 Background of the APAM-AVSEC, Tokyo, 2010 Ministerial Conferences (ex. Aviation Security) were held in 5 region In Spain 21 Jan. In Mexico Feb. In Japan 13 Mar. In Nigeria Apr. In UAE 1-2 Jun. 1

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Date: 13 March Venue: Mita-Kaigisho, Tokyo, Japan 3. Participants: 18 states/administrations ministers and high- level officials and ICAO secretary general 4. Outcome: Adoption of “Asia-Pacific Joint Declaration on Aviation Security”. The outline of the APAM-AVSEC 2

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October  the need to enhance aviation security in the Asia-Pacific region due to a significant number of flights ”potentially subject to terrorist attack” in this region,  the determination of the states/administrations to fight terrorism “with particular attention to countering threats against civil aviation”. Subsequent subparagraphs list ten action items. Outline of Joint Declaration of the APAM-AVSEC 3

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Encourage governments represented at this conference, pursuant to their domestic laws, regulations and programs on civil aviation security, and in accordance with applicable Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) of ICAO and the capacity of each State/administration, to promote the implementation of aviation security measures in a practical manner to: Broaden existing cooperation mechanisms among our countries/administrations and with other parties to the Chicago Convention, and the civil aviation industry, as appropriate, for information exchange and early detection of security threats to passenger security and the industry’s well-being; Share expertise, best practices and information in a range of areas related to civil aviation, such as screening and inspection techniques, detection of weapons, explosives and hazardous materials, airport security, behavioral detection, screening and credentialing of airport employees, human resource development, and research and development of relevant technologies; and Utilize modern technologies to detect prohibited materials and to prevent the carriage of such materials on board aircraft while respecting the privacy and safety of individuals. ( from the Joint Declaration of the APAM-AVSEC ) 4

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Consider necessary changes to relevant security provisions of ICAO SARPs, including in Annex 17 and the sharing of passenger information, in order to address new and emerging threats to civil aviation; 3.Examine information exchange mechanisms, including the use of liaison officers, and further use of Advance Passenger Information (API) provided by air carriers, to reduce the risk to air travelers and others, while ensuring effective protection for our citizens’ privacy and civil liberties; 4.Examine enhancing measures for onboard flight protection; 5.Seek to achieve both a high level of security and the facilitation of passenger travel by various methods including the use of biometrics; 6.Strengthen and promote travel document security and reporting, on a regular basis, lost and stolen passports, to the extent possible, to the INTERPOL Lost and Stolen Travel Document Database; ( from the Joint Declaration of the APAM-AVSEC ) 5

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Develop and implement, in accordance with ICAO policies and in coordination with other appropriate international partners, internationally strengthened and harmonized measures and best practices for air cargo security, taking into account the need to protect the entire air cargo supply chain; 8.Promote capacity-building activities in the Asia-Pacific region to enhance aviation security of the region as a whole, recognizing the need to develop capacity to also correct deficiencies identified under the Universal Security Audit Program of ICAO. To this end, the assistance and development mechanisms should be strengthened; 9.Continue working together, with other international partners and with the aviation industry toward greater travel security; and 10.Urge the ICAO Assembly at its meeting 28 September - 8 October 2010 to adopt a resolution that reflects the principles contained in this declaration and that confirms civil aviation security will be accorded one of the highest priorities during the forthcoming ICAO triennium. ( from the Joint Declaration of the APAM-AVSEC ) 6

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October RECENT EFFORTS IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC REGION AFTER APAM-AVSEC Japan conducted a follow-up survey on recent efforts made by participating States/administrations in this summer. 7 (The results of the survey are summarized as following pages)

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October [ Interest in the deployment of AIT ] ・ test phase / increase the number of AIT / decided to introduce AIT [ Difficulties ] ・ lack of technical information on AIT / financial sources. Trial of Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) [ Some donor States ] ・ willingness to collaborate with other donors [ Some recipient States ] ・ expect hardware assistance ・ hope that ICAO or donor States will provide more training Capacity building assistance 8

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October ・ amending and ensuring NCASP / Quality Control Programs / certification and training system Domestic regulations on aviation security ・ large international political events, such as the G20 and APEC ・ Aviation Security Point of Contact Network Shairing Information relating to aviation security 9

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October By this Joint Declaration, the political message, to fight terrorism together in this region, was conveyed to the world. Initiatives arising from this Joint Declaration were further developed at the Asia-Pacific Heads of Aviation Security Regulators’ Meeting (Singapore, Apr. 2010). The principles contained in this Joint Declaration are reflected to The “Declaration on Aviation Security for the 37 th Session of the ICAO Assembly” (Montreal, Oct. 2010)

JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Thank you for your attention. 11