Brightness Which of these can be used to measure star distance? A B C D Ruler ShapeTape measure Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
B-Brightness You have won £100
What does SETI stand for? Search for Extra Terrestrial… A B C D Identity Image IntelligenceIgloo Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
C- Intelligence You have won £200
How many minutes does it take for the Sun’s light to reach Earth? A B C D Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
D- 8 You have won £300
What is the furthest humans have travelled? A B C D Jupiter Mars MoonPluto Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
C- Moon You have won £500
How often does the Sun move from one side of the Earth to the other? A B C D 1 day 1 week 1 year6 months Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
Congratulations D- 6 months Congratulations
How fast is the speed of light? In km/s A B C D Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
A km/s You have won £2000
Into what does hydrogen fuse in the Sun? A B C D Neon Oxygen HeliumNitrogen Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
C- Helium You win £4000
Which is a way to measure star distance? A B C D Pallarax Parallax PellaluxParallel Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
B Parallax You have won £8000
How does a nearer star affect the parallax shift? A B C D It is smaller It is bigger It makes no differenceIt is the same size Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
B – Bigger. You have won £16,000
Has life been found anywhere in the Universe apart from Earth? A B C D On very distant planets On Mars Not yet Outside the solar system Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
C- Not yet You have won £32,000
What is a light year a measure of? A B C D Shape Light TimeDistance Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
D – Distance You have won £64,000
When the Earth was first formed was it habitable? A B C D All of it Some of it Not at allWe don’t know Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
C- Not at all You have won £125,000
How many stars like our Sun were found between 1990 and 2005? A B C D Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
B- 130 You have won £250,000
Which two planets are on the edge of the habitable zone in the solar system? A B C D Venus and Mars Earth and Mercury Venus and EarthMars and Mercury Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
A- Venus and Mars You have won £500,000
Which of these is a name for single celled organisms? A B C D Photosynthesis Prokaryote MonocellMineralite Ask the audience Phone a friendAsk the audience Phone a friend
Congratulations You are a Millionaire!
Brightness Tape Measure Back to question
Ask the audience Back to question
Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £100. It’s definitely brightness, Chris. Back to question
50-50 Igloo Intelligence Back to question
Ask the audience Back to question
Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £200 It has to be intelligence right, Chris? Back to question
Back to question
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Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £300 That’s definitely 8 minutes!
Pluto Moon Back to question
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Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £500 I’m 80% certain that its the Moon Back to question
Back to question 6 months A week
Ask the audience Back to question
Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £1000 I really don’t know this one, sorry. Back to question
Back to question
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Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £2000 It is Hmmmm.... But it could be Back to question
Helium Oxygen Back to question
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Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £4000 I remember this one, its helium Back to question
50-50 Parallax Parallel Back to question
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Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £8000 Isn’t parallel something to do with parking? I don’t know! Back to question
50-50 It’s the same size It’s bigger Back to question
Ask the audience Back to question
Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £16,000 I am not sure, I would guess that it gets bigger. Back to question
50-50 On very distant planets Not yet Back to question
Ask the audience Back to question
Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £32,000 I was abducted by aliens! But my doctor says we haven’t found them anywhere. Back to question
50-50 Distance Shape Back to question
Ask the audience Back to question
Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £64,000 I know this, I’ve watched SO much Star Trek! It’s distance! Back to question
50-50 Some of it Not at all Back to question
Ask the audience Back to question
Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £125,000 I know this, it wasn’t habitable for a really long time after it was formed. Back to question
Back to question
Ask the audience Back to question
Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £250,000 It’s not that many, I’m 100% certain of that. Back to question
50-50 Mars and Mercury Venus and Mars Back to question
Ask the audience Back to question
Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £500,000 Venus and Mars definitely! It’s like the title of that book... Back to question
Prokaryote Mineralite Back to question
Ask the audience Back to question
Phone a friend Hello, its Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for £1,000,000. I do not have a clue I’m afraid Back to question