Seven Key Intervention of Data Warehouse Success By : Yahya Alhawsawi
Article’s Main Points To integrate business need and features of information technology is important for data warehouse success Interaction of the context with the technology is the key to understanding data warehouse success. Based on the nature of these interactions, seven interventions are identified.
Study Result…… AST is used for the study as provides high degree of interaction between the technological dimensions and the contextual features of a data warehouse
Continue….. Usually top-down approach is ideal for data warehouse success, but sometimes bottom up approach also can bring success So, not having a champion is not necessarily a death sentence for a technology Both Management and users should understand value of data warehouse in business
Seven Key Interventions for Data Warehouse Success Intervention In Project’s Design Phase Do Users support data Do Users support datawarehouse? Do Top Managers support the data warehouse?
Intervention Points during Design Phase Do users want access to broad range of data? Do users want limited data access and analysis tool? and analysis tool?
Intervention Points during Training & Support Phase Do users understand the task fit? Do users perceive IT as supportive? IT as supportive? Does the unit have one or more power one or more power user? user?
Key Terms Interpretation Key Terms Interpretation Data Warehouse: A data warehouse is a repository (collection of resources that can be accessed to retrieve information) of an organization's electronically stored data, designed to facilitate reporting and analysis Data Mart: A data mart is a subset of an organizational data store, usually oriented to a specific purpose or major data subject, that may be distributed to support business needs.
Continue Continue AST: Adaptive Structuration Theory Inmon's paradigm: Data warehouse is one part of the overall business intelligence system. An enterprise has one data warehouse, and data marts source their information from the data warehouse. In the data warehouse, information is stored in 3rd normal form.
Do I agree with the article’s methods, analysis and conclusions? Do I agree with the article’s methods, analysis and conclusions? I like the article’s method, analysis and the conclusion. Just, if they took interview of all types of users (Manager/IT Person/Regular user) was not clearly mentioned. I think, that should have been cleared for better assessment of this study. I like the article’s method, analysis and the conclusion. Just, if they took interview of all types of users (Manager/IT Person/Regular user) was not clearly mentioned. I think, that should have been cleared for better assessment of this study.
What changes would you make to improve the article? What changes would you make to improve the article? After making the paper research I would like to go to the different industries and take interview of managers, IT people, regular users to know more inside facts and problems they faced from their aspects. I believe that would be more useful. After making the paper research I would like to go to the different industries and take interview of managers, IT people, regular users to know more inside facts and problems they faced from their aspects. I believe that would be more useful.
Conclusion Data warehouse can be successful or failure for different teams in a same organization depending on presence of some factors. First, technology initiatives should be more business driven than IT driven. Both management and users clearly know the value of using technology in context of business need. Second, users must be trained enough to know how to use the technology. Data warehouse can be successful or failure for different teams in a same organization depending on presence of some factors. First, technology initiatives should be more business driven than IT driven. Both management and users clearly know the value of using technology in context of business need. Second, users must be trained enough to know how to use the technology.
Continue Continue Thirdly, users must know the task fit of the technology. How much a technology can support the business need and how much users understand this significance influences success of a technology in a business environement.
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