Jim Price Chair, Market & Seams Issues Subcommittee MSIS Update to Market Interface Committee March 24, 2015 Salt Lake City, UT
2 Joint Market Issues & Seams Issues Subcommittee Webinar: March 16, 2015 Topics included updates on: o WECC Board & MIC activity o WestConnect market enhancement activities MSIS charter, as discussed at Oct. ‘14 MIC meeting, was reviewed, polished, and approved Recommended MSIS Vice-chair: Steve Beuning Reserve Obligation & Energy Product Codes under BAL-002-WECC-2, per Oct. ‘14 MIC o No seams issues identified – obligations understood from contracts or BAL-002 default MSIS Meeting Recap
3 Upcoming MSIS Activity Topic raised for discussion: o Status of Merchant Alert Protocol is uncertain as WECCNet moves to Peak RC o Continuation of protocol is desired, but no contract in place with OATI o Topic will be raised at MIC, may be referred back to MSIS Dates of future meetings: o Upcoming 2015 meetings will be scheduled based on needs identified at MIC meeting or raised by MSIS participants
Jim Price Chair, Market & Seams Issues Subcommittee (916) Questions?