Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training
2 All of the information in this document is the property of Ex Libris Ltd. It may NOT, under any circumstances, be distributed, transmitted, copied, or displayed without the written permission of Ex Libris Ltd. The information contained in this document has been prepared for the sole purpose of providing information for training. The material herein contained has been prepared in good faith; however, Ex Libris disclaims any obligation or warranty as to its accuracy and/or suitability for any usage or purpose other than that for which it is intended. © Ex Libris Ltd., 2006
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training 3 Goal To demonstrate changes between versions 17 and 18 Serials functionality.
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training 4 Tools ALEPH Acquisitions/Serials Client, version 18 Demo databases: USM01 (bibliographic), USM50 (administrative) PuTTY, free Telnet/SSH client available from putty/download.html Handout: Version 18 Overview of Changes: Serials
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training 5 Additional Documentation Ex Libris Documentation Center, where the following documentation is found: ALEPH Version 18 Release Notes ALEPH Version 18 User Guide ALEPH Version 18 System Librarian Guide ALEPH Version 18 Configuration Guide ALEPH Version 18 Oracle Tables documentation is available upon request.
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training 6 Agenda 1.Prediction Patterns 2.Issue Deletion 3.Services
1. Prediction Patterns
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training 8 1. Prediction Patterns: Subfield $$y – Regularity Pattern ALEPH now supports the 853 $y regularity pattern for combined enumeration and chronology codes. 853 $y qualifies or modifies the regularity of the pattern recorded in subfield $w (frequency). For example, issues published/not published on specific days, dates, months, seasons, or regularly-combined issues: $y om06,07 not published in June and July $y odsu not published on Sunday $y od1225,1231 not published on 25 th and 31 st December $y ps21,22,23/24 published in the spring, summer and combined in autumn/winter
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training 9 1. Prediction Patterns: Subfield $$y – Structure Subfield 853 $y has three elements Publication codes: “o”, “p”, “c” [o=omitted; p=published; c=combined] Chronology codes: “y”, “m”, ”w”, “d”, “s” Enumeration codes: when "e" (enumeration) is used in a regularity pattern subfield, an additional numeric code is added to indicate the level of enumeration to which the regularity applies: e1 – enumeration 1 st level e2 – enumeration 2 nd level Example: $$yce21/2 - combine the first and the second issues in the second level of enumeration. A slash (/) is used to designate a combined issue Multiple codes can be separated by a comma
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Prediction Patterns: Combined Chronology and Enumeration Combined chronology is now supported, using subfield $yp (list of published issues); all issues must be listed:
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Prediction Patterns: Publication code “c” Publication code “c” refers to the combination of either: enumeration only (e.g. $$yce[n]) chronology only (e.g. $$yc[d,w,m,s,y]) both (e.g. find the level to correct, say j, and combine it with j+n (or more)) v.1:no.2/3(2004:Apr.) v.1:no.6(2005:June/July) v.1:no.3/4(2006:Mar./Apr.) This feature is only available in the Cataloging module (you cannot use the Serial Input Form in Acq/Serials module)
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Prediction Patterns: Combined 2 nd level of enumeration
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Prediction Patterns: Combined Chronology American Libraries - Title published 11 times a year with a combined June/July issue:
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Prediction Patterns: Combined 2 nd level of Enum/Chron
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Prediction Patterns The "^" symbol can be used as a placeholder for publications lacking the first level of enumeration
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training 16 1.Prediction Patterns: 19 New Patterns Added 19 new pattern templates are available
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Prediction Patterns: Misc. (con’t) Library of Congress CONSER site provides some examples of patterns that utilize 853 $y(c) :
2. Issue Deletion
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Issue Deletion New warning message alerting user that no additional checks are done to detect whether loans, photos, claims, or holds are attached to an issue when deleting issues from Group list Numbering schemes can only be defined in the Cataloging GUI using 853 $z and not in the pattern form in the Serials client
2. Services
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Services Print Claim Letters/Reports (serial-44) A new output type, Separate Letter to Vendor for each Method of Acquisition, has been added which enables the letters generated to be separated by vendors, titles and methods of acquisition Different letter templates will be generated for each method of acquisition
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Services (con’t) To enable the Separate Letter to Vendor for each Method of Acquisition feature, xxx01/form_eng/batch-serial-claim-letter- vend.trn must include a line for each template: !Tag Type S Parameters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!-!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-> form-print-format method-of-acquisition DA 10 form-print-format method-of-acquisition G 12 form-print-format method-of-acquisition P 14 form-print-format method-of-acquisition PC 15
Serials: Version 18 Upgrade Training Services (con’t) Claim letters related to orders with method of acquisition "DA" will use batch-serial-claim- letter-vend-10.xsl Templates for batch-serial-claim-letter-vend- NN.xsl should be created accordingly Claim letters related to orders with methods of acquisition not mentioned in this table will be generated with the default batch-serial- claim-letter-vend template