Instructional Strategies
Performance Objective Through a final lesson plan for this unit, plan to use various teaching and learning strategies to the satisfaction of the instructor on a lesson plan evaluation form.
Enabling Objectives Identify senses by which we learn Plan and use proper techniques for lecturing Plan and use visuals to enhance instruction Incorporate the use of six teaching skills to enhance your instruction Incorporate other instructional strategies into your planning
Enabling Objectives (continued) Develop a written plan for using a variety of instructional strategies Reflect on your practices of using instructional strategies
Senses By Which We Learn Hearing 11% Sight 83% Taste (1%), Touch (1.5%), Smell (3.5%) = 6%
Pointers on Giving a Lecture Outline no more than 6 major points in a lesson Illustrate with sub-points in the lesson Plan for only 15 minutes lecture- Retention is greatest in the first 15 minutes
Lectures (pointers continued) Plan to use supporting materials-They increase retention Plan alternate activities every 15 minutes
Visuals to Enhance Lectures Three Most Used Visuals –Chalkboard or White board –Overhead and Transparencies –Handouts Internet
Chalkboard Key points only Use a heading Don’t fill board Face students Use color
Overhead/Transparencies Pointers for making Pointers for using
Handouts Clear print-at least 12 point Correct Copyright laws
Other Supporting Materials and Activities Icon Here
Audio and Video Tapes Image of vhs tape
Slides Image of slides (see CD)
Flip Charts Icon Here
Models, Exhibits and Real Objects Icon Here
Electronic Presentations Icon Here
Types of Electronic Presentations Overhead Projection LCD Panel TV Monitor Smart Boards All used with a computer
Community Resources Icon Here
Computer Programs Icon Here
Teaching Skills Probing Questions Higher Order Questions Examples Repetition Stimulus Variation Set Induction
Probing Questions Icon Here
Higher Order Question Icon Here
Use of Examples Icon Here
Planned Repetition Icon Here
Stimulus Variation
Set Induction
Other Strategies
Demonstration Icon Here
Team Teaching Icon Here
Cooperative Learning Icon Here
Guidelines for Cooperative Learning Design a well-planned activity where each member understands his/her role Make the desired outcome clear Students must be able to apply
Group, Panel Discussions, and Symposium Icon Here
Subject Matter Experts Icon Here
Projects Icon Here
Individualized Instruction Remediation Home Study Missed Work Advanced Students Icon Here
Summary In this lesson, we discussed planning for using: The illustrates lecture Visuals to enhance instruction Teaching skills Community resources
Summary (Continued) Other strategies such as demonstration; Team Teaching; Cooperative Learning; Group, panels, and symposiums; subject matter experts; projects; and individualized instruction.