APSR: digital signal processing at Parkes Willem van Straten, Andrew Jameson and Matthew Bailes Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing Third ATNF Gravitational Wave Workshop 2009
ATNF Parkes Swinburne Recorder Combination of FPGAs and CPUs PDFB3 implements polyphase filterbank 16 processing nodes receive sub-band as UDP stream Real-time and/or offline data reduction record data to disk at 1.6 GB/s for 2.5 hours Remote control and monitoring web-based interface
Parkes Digital Filterbank Designed/developed at ATNF 2 x Compact Array Broad-band (CABB) board up to 2048 channel polyphase filterbank real-time RFI mitigation CABB = 2GHz correlator modularity of FPGA design hardware re-use
APSR Features Phase-coherent dispersion removal (up to 1024 MHz) Automatic impulsive interference excision RFI, lightning, etc. Single-pulse capability with real-time calibration and/or giant pulse selection Fold multiple pulsars simultaneously globular clusters, binary pulsar Computation of auxiliary statistics e.g. fourth-order moments
Phase-coherent dispersion removal Observed voltage signal is deconvolved impulse response function of ISM plasma dispersion Convolution performed in frequency domain more efficient, requires FFT N fft proportional to DM 2 / 3
Phase-coherent dispersion removal flops = 5NlogN / t FFT on each APSR node: (assuming DM=10) centre frequency bandwidth per node optimal N fft required Gflops 3.1 GHz64 MHz128k GHz16 MHz128k MHz4 MHz64k0.7
FFT benchmarks 700 MHz 1.4 GHz 3.1 GHz
Multi-threaded dspsr thread-safe revisions to underlying library thread-shared buffering of overlap regions overlap-save method of discrete convolution thread-coordinated output of results threads combine results every 10 seconds near linear scaling of performance!
Coherent Dedispersion - History Arecibo XDS Sigma 5 magnetic tape 20% duty cycle for 3 minutes MHz Reticon R5601 chip real-time! Parkes S2, VHS tape Parkes CPSR, DLT tape MHz CPSR2, high-speed disk MHz APSR, real-time
XDS Sigma 5: picture
XDS Sigma 5 vs iPod
APSR web-based interface
: DFB3
CAL lightning: DFB3
CAL lightning: APSR
Single pulse
Average pulse
Testing & Commissioning Polarimetric Calibration High-precision timing Frequency response tests User and TCS interface improvements GOAL: National Facility Instrument