Resumes & Cover Letters Creating Resumes and Cover Letters that Employers will Read Created by Mrs. Kanith
Opening Questions… What is a Resume? What is a Resume What are the purposes of a Resume?purposes of a Resume What information is included in a Resume?information Who can be a job reference? Who can’t? reference What is a cover letter?cover letter What is the purpose of a cover letter?purpose
What is a Resume? First impression a prospective employer gets of you Personal Selling tool Outlines skills and experiences Allows employer to determine how you can contribute to workplace
Why Do I need a Resume? Persuade readers you’re best for the job Construct professional image of self Develop self-awareness Provide sample written communication skills Convince employers to give interview A silly question--to get a job of course!
Nuts & Bolts of a Resume HeadingSkillsAbilities Education Activities & Honors Experience
Resumes: The 10-Second Scan Why? Too long Too wordy Too cluttered Too disorganized
Resume Writing Process 1. Use Resume Worksheet to brainstormResume Worksheet 2. Write a draft following a chosen format 3. Discuss draft and seek input 4. Type and format Resume 5. Proofread – Edit – Revise 6. Ensure no errors 7. Print final copies on quality paper Click to View a Sample Student ResumeSample Student Resume
Tips for writing Resumes K.I.S.S. (Keep It Short & Simple) Limit to one page Do not write paragraphs Be specific, give examples Show optimism and enthusiasm Be honest power words power words Use power wordspower words
More Tips for Writing Resumes Avoid fancy type Choose font size for body Double space between sections Bold, Underline or Capitalize section headings Use bullet dots to begin each entry Proofread for spelling/grammar
References Good sources for references Employers Teachers/Counselors Coaches Neighbors Parents of long-time friends Someone in workforce for 5+ years (NO PEERS) Ask Permission before listing someone as a reference!
What is a Cover Letter? Introductory Letter that expresses your interest in and qualifications for a position to a prospective employer
Purposes of Cover Letters Overall Purpose: Request an interview Draw readers' attention to specific qualifications to the job Tailor to the needs of specific employers Provide a sample of your written communications skills Create an image of who you are as a professional Click here to view a Sample Student Cover LetterSample Student Cover Letter
Cover Letter: 3-Paragraph Rule Introductory Paragraph State job title applying for State where you heard about the position Body Paragraph Discuss specific experience and examples that qualify you Connect your abilities to their needs Closing Paragraph Request an interview & discuss follow-up Thank them
“Choose a job that you love and you will never work another day in your life.” --Confucius