Types of Sentences 1.Different types of sentences have different purposes. There are four basic types of sentences. 2.A sentence can make a statement, ask a question, give a command, or express a strong feeling.
Types of Sentences Con’t. 3.All sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark. 4.The punctuation mark at the end of the sentence is determined by the purpose of that sentence.
Declarative Sentence Declarative Sentence Declarative sentences: Makes a statement. It ends with a period. Example: The students at BGJHS are excellent writers.
Interrogative Sentence Interrogative sentences: Ask a question. It ends with a question mark. Example: How many students at BGJHS scored proficient on the quiz?
Exclamatory Sentence Exclamatory sentences: Express strong feelings. It ends with an exclamation point. Example: Don’t you dare talk bad about the students at BGJHS!
Imperative Sentence Imperative sentences: Give a command or make a request. It ends with a period. Example: You will score well on this quiz. Tell me what you think about this Tell me what you think about this quiz. quiz.
Homework Due : Tomorrow – 16 August, Give (three) examples for each type of sentence. Remember to use the correct punctuation to end each sentence.
Identifying Types of Sentences Please turn to page 342 in the “Elements of Language” textbook. Complete exercise C…..numbers 21 – 30. Rewrite each sentence and determine whether each sentence is declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, or imperative.