Issues, Concerns and Suggestions for Chinese E-resources Susan Xue Chair, Committee on Chinese Materials
Positive Developments in Chinese e- Resources More open communications between vendors and end users/Chinese studies librarians Market research and communication at some level before producing new products Willingness to consider differences in collection size and usage in pricing structure Seek improvements in complying with international standards (interface, content, search, display, etc.)
Issues and Concerns Pricing is expensive compared to per usage cost in North America Pricing structure is not flexible Search interface (both English and Chinese) is not standardized compared to English resources Licensed content been changed, altered, or derived after license agreement implemented Product is not compatible with major citation management tools used in North America
Proposed improvements… Be flexible and creative in with price structure. Taking into consideration of collection size and usage in each institution. Flexible pricing structures for data type and usage, etc. Consider pricing for regional or national consortia Consider/follow general database standards and pursue understanding and knowledge of new developments of English language resources. This includes database interface and usage design, supporting article and ebook marc records, providing usage stats and customized reports. Consult users before developing new products Comply with contract/agreement, no change to and re-package of licensed databases/packages. Individual withdrawal need to notify libraries Provide more accurate/precise information about their products, this include database content, coverage, evaluation and comparison with other similar products
Proposed improvements Discover/produce new products that cover materials not available on the market Upgrade and develop existing/new products and make them compatible with current market/free citation management tools, such as Endnotes, Zotero and Mendeley. Provide timely updates on databases such as new titles added, canceled, changed, and new features Provide MARC records for e-Journals and ebooks. Show flexibility in working with Web Scale Discover (WSD) providers to make Chinese resources more easily accessible. WSD systems include but limited to: EBSCO’s Discovery Service (EDS), Ex Libris Ltd.’s Primo, Summon by Serials Solutions, and OCLC’s WorldCat Local