The Alhambra
“al-hamra”- Arabic for “the red” built from palace of the Nasrid dynasty Four stylistic periods consistent with the Moorish tradition of architecture materials include: marble, ceramic tile, stucco, wood, stone, among others covers about 35 acres, one and a half mile of hilltop & at one time included government buildings, royal residences, mosques, baths, servants quarters, barracks, stables, a mints, workshops, &gardens
From: A History of Architecture: on the comparative method: Sir Banister Fletcher. p.1232.
Sala de los Justicia image.tcl?location_id=1420&image_id=
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Bibliography 2/7/2005http:// 2/7/2005http:// 2/7/2005http:// 2/7/2005http:// 2/7/2005 2/7/2005 2/7/2005http:// 2/7/2005http:// Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History:Prentice Hall, New Jersey, Fletcher, Sir Banister. Architecture: on the comparative method: Charles Sribner’s Sons, New York, 1967.