By: Jasmine Adams Callie Smith Kobe smith
The change from one rock type to another. About 450 million years ago, some of the sedimentary rocks began to transform into metamorphic rocks.
Heat and pressure can change many things. They can change rocks. The name for rocks. The name for rocks that have changed is metamorphic.
Squeeze your hands together as hard as you can. Do you feel the heat and pressure? This is how metamorphic rocks are formed. When the earth's crust moves, it causes rocks to get squeezed so hard that the heat causes the rock to change.
Travertine Marble Slate Quartzite
Old mountains and some beaches shorelines.
Floor tiles Blackboards Countertops
The oldest metamorphic rock lies in Canada which is 3.96 billon years old. Metamorphic rocks are the least common of the 3 kinds of rocks.
The rock fits into my life by providing materials to build buildings like schools and our homes. Metamorphic rock are used in roofs and the floors we walk on.
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