Project Ideas Basic philosophy – use software to support learning and understanding. The focus should not be on training in usage of specific software. AIChE student contest problems –Scan and post on CACHE web site; password protected? –Add reviews/ suggestions by CACHE trustee or other volunteer –Gordon Ellis contact person –Survey design instructors on how it would be used? –Copyright release form available? Safety software: joint with SACHE –Sizing relief valves, risk assessment, haz ops? Reviews of books & software –Identify books & software and create annotated inventory –Pointers to web sites e.g., Aspen web site, Matlab –Discussion forum or wiki –Simulation modules Survey of computer usage –Use of computing in curriculum –Suggestions / identification of needs –Inventory of software
Project Ideas CACHE recommendations of software schools should be using –Which are must, which desirable and which are nice –Tutorial on how to use –Pedagogical approaches for more effective usage Guidelines on how to use & check results of software –Collection of information available –Not just how to use – how check results –Where does it work ? where does it not work? –How do you pull apart a program to test it? –From virtual group that can go forward with it –Pilot project on one subdomain? CACHE provides phys props data base to all students –CACHE & DIPPR data base –Student use of commercial flowsheet software Promote and use iPhone aps –Involve student chapters via competition
Software typeFamiliarityInterpretBasic useAdv UseProgram MS Excel56 SS process simulation (e.g. AspenPlus, ChemCAD)63 Dynamic simulation (e.g. gPROMS, UniSim Dynamics)117 Batch process design (e.g. SuperPro, Dynachem)71 CFD (e.g. Fluent, COMSOL)341 Safety assessment (e.g. PHAPro, PHAWorks, LOGAN)521 Pressure relief (e.g. Superchems)71 Heat transfer design (eg. HTRI, UniSim STE, Aspen STE)612 Molecular modeling (e.g. Gaussian, CACHE modules?)82 Mobile Apps (e.g. ?!?!?) Optimization (e.g. GAMS, Matlab)8 Visual Basic14 Programming languages (e.g. C++, Fortran, Matlab)6 Project management (e.g. MS Project, ACEProject)431 Numerical methods (e.g. Polymath, MathCAD)101 Drafting (e.g. AutoCAD, MS Visio)15 Statistical packages (Statistica, Minitab, JMP)8